After 40 years in ministry, on July 21, 2000, Immanuel Baptist Theological Seminary in Sharpsburg, Georgia, presented Pastor Church with a Doctor of Divinity degree. Read More Share heart and mind. 5. Note: While I acknowledge that throughout all history there also have been cults persecuted, one would be hard-pressed to find genuine believers persecuting anyone. Cults, in the main, according to our definition, are seldom despised or ostracized by society. I have red some of Augustines works and have known him to not be a man of God. Here For Mass E-mailing. Anyone outside of the group is suspect. Shall we defend the orthodox or identify with Christ? For any information about speaking appearances or television/radio The only question is, Whose interpretation are men following? Peter interpreted what happened at Pentecost according to the Scriptures, quoting from the prophet Joel (Acts 2). 2. The older something is, the more legitimate and authoritative it will seem to the world, to carnal man. Was His family able to put their concerns about His cult to rest? CRI: A third mark is the manipulation of time. False Flag Over Boston (2014) Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? They did not know what was in themselves, but He did. Just what IS a cult? Try, just try talking to a Seventh Day Adventist and see how far you get. As the saying goes, One mans garbage is another mans treasure. Who can decide what is a cult? His presentations were always dynamic, well-studied and quite fascinating. As the root, so the sap, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruit, and as the fruit, so the root. Therefore, since you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth (Revelation 3:16). The leaders forbid it in the pretense of guarding their sheep from the children of Satan and darkness, who, according to them, are all those in disagreement with, or indifferent to, them. (Volume 1) (2012) A recent phenomenon on the religious scene is the return to Hebraic roots, to the traditions of the fathers, and to the faith once delivered to the Jewish saints. We have a veritable proliferation of messianic congregations worldwide. But if they continue to follow the Lord without the camp, they will be approved by God, being sealed with His Name, and walking in His ways. So often have we encountered Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses, for prominent examples, who are not prepared to listen objectively to what others have to say, though they are fully ready to declare their doctrines. My words dont even enter one ear, much less leave the other. It should be understandable that He would hate it with a passion. Others, like the Salvation Army, founded by William Booth, reached out to those in the slums. Hidden Prophecies in the Song of Moses is based on the prophecy of Revelation 15, which says that the saints will sing the song of Moses. The other is the righteousness of God. This is pure anti (instead of) Christ. The Pharisees had doctrine, and it was true in many points, yet they were a church that crucified the Lord. Protocols Doc Of one cult member, Epaphroditus, Paul wrote to others that, because for the work of Christ he was near death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me (Philippians 2:30). The former is the rock on which His church is built. Catholicism: CRI: To avoid the deception of the cults, we should be rooted in the teachings of the historic Christian faith, and receive Jesus Christ, God the Son, second Person of the Trinity, as Lord of our lives. Total revenues $956,146 2018 20132014201520162018$0$2m$4m Total expenses $1,013,430 2018 20132014201520162018$1m$3m$5m Total assets $254,599 2018 20132014201520162018$0$1m$2m Num. If he is well, it is because he is godly; if he is ill, how well he bears it! 3 Views. Paul says that those led of the Spirit are the sons of God. 3) News that shows mans cup of iniquity is overflowing, which means the imminent return of Yahushua to rule the nations of the world with an iron rod during the Millennial Kingdom. And they follow many other rules, which they have received, such as the proper way to wash cups, pots, copper bowls, and beds.) He that knows God hears us; he that is not of God does not hear us. Who was to say he was not twisting things? PROPHECY UPDATE - Bible prophecy update Before her retirement, she had forecast the weather for the Emmy Award-winning PIX11 Morning News since the show's debut in June 2000. The Holy Spirit delivered five long pages of DETAILED information regarding the Three Days and Nights of gross darkness. Many, such as the author of this piece on cults, say that the Bible is the ultimate authority. Is this not a sure sign of arrogance and ignorance all rolled into one? Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, at the feast, many believed on His name, beholding the signs which He was doing. It is foolishness. The reason Jesus family was not proud of Him, but concerned for His mental health, was because His was a work of the Spirit. He is therefore suspect as a cult according to the alarm sounded here. Because of that passion, J.R. and Linda moved to Oklahoma City in 1979 where he founded Prophecy in the News, a worldwide television and publishing ministry devoted to the study of biblical prophecy and current events. So who are these church fathers? Paul: So what is seminary all about then? Cults are man-made, and not the work of God. For I have come to set a man against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. They are, of course, what Jesus called hirelings. They are almost invariably educated and trained in Bible schools and seminaries. 2) Events that are conditioning the world to accept the enforcement of the dreadful mark of the beast. Jesus Christ is God presenting Himself in the flesh. They only demonstrate that they savor the things of men. From And He said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Jesus and His disciples did not go around despising the world, or insisting on Jewish language, customs, traditions and religious ceremony and clothing. Their error more than compensates for the truths they hold. If he stands, he is a hero; if he falls, he suffers so bravely. That is an unholy argument, born out of the reasonings of men. Try a cult. (Figure 1) and Linda Kay Barnett (Figure 2) would attempt to tackle. They even accused Him of blasphemy and sought to kill Him, which, by the predetermined will of God, they did. Withdraw from such (1 Timothy 6:3-5). So, for all of you who couldnt In Doug and Joes case, I believe why so Paul, such a one sent by God, said this about his teachings from Scripture and Christ: If anyone teaches otherwise, and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine according to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing. Bible Discovery - Acts 4-6 Beginning the Church - 247 Lifestream Networks If such is the case, how can one see anything? at this time. Television host, author and pastor Gary Stearman just launched Prophecy Watchers. expert analysis of the New World Order and Read more: The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin, Luthers Legacy Unleashing the Man of Sin. Even if they are exposed, those hiding behind the Bible claim immunity from prosecution, as with the Catholic priests who molested children. The Lord Jesus Christ came to give us life, not empty and deceptive representations. Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. The same goes for today. We need to forsake all and preach the gospel to the world, and so we have Operation Mobilization. There are specialized hospital ministries, ministries for the elderly, the imprisoned, the leprous, handicapped, and more. There are usually two sides to every story, but it is unfortunate that there are so many carnal believers who are unrepentant and maybe don't even admit they have anything to repent of. He gave his life to studying and teaching the Bible. No, our purpose here is to identify the subtler, more prominent, deceptive, and therefore the more dangerous and damaging, culprits. To varying degrees, they have an emphasis on The Name or HaShem, the Hebrew Name for the Creator, using Hebrew for key Biblical words, names, titles, religious terms and observances, feasts, and have a penchant for Jewish traditions and ceremonies. It's Time to Pay Attention with Dr. Thomas Horn They must tickle the ears and deliver eloquent defenses of the doctrine of the faithful. They must entertain their audiences, and be effective enough to win new souls to their fold. glad you did! Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Important Message from Linda - Prophecy in the News | Facebook While Jesus certainly would have encouraged proper etiquette and appearance, He did not cause everyone to be formal, to dress the same, or to get technical and nitpicky, as one will see with the Pharisees, Hutterites, Mennonites, Mormons, many Reformers, and others. Craig Keener. success it had been. There are those, both men and women, who claim they are the reincarnation or physical manifestation of Jesus Christ, in and of themselves, excluding all others. Everything You who call yourself Christian: If you are flowing with the world, you have more important concerns than possible off-the-wall fanatical cults. teams had done. Dark Who is telling it like it is, and who is doing the manipulating? Every Monday and Friday afternoons from Noon to 1:30 PM EST, we examine breaking news and current events in light of bible prophecy.. MONDAY AT NOON: Every Monday at Noon we review all the latest news and events related to bible prophecy, and examine what is happening in light of what is written. christian persecution. Cults have nothing to do with the One they profess to worship, nothing at all. two men of God remind me of what the Apostles had gone through as they And: Therefore Jesus also, so that He might sanctify the people through His own blood, suffered outside the gate. And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he who shall humble himself shall be exalted (Matthew 23:8-12). will be holding another Prophecy Summit. They said: Have any of the rulers [religious council and priests] or the Pharisees [believers in only their own interpretation of Scripture] believed in Him? 3 years. He was a well-known Christian personality especially amongst avid students of Bible prophecy. The interpretation of Scripture is indeed no private matter, as Peter also wrote: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. They basically said, He is out of His mind (Mark 3:21). It seems that, nowadays, Those who twisted Scripture were, in fact, faulting God, while declaring agreement with Him. or find him on Facebook, DVD A third mark is the manipulation of time. University of Florida, University of New Haven. in the It is plain, however, that some on this list were not men of God at all, like Augustine. It is impossible, for this is not a work or choice of man. And here I am, standing right before you, and you arent willing to receive from Me the life you say you want (John 5:39-40 MSG). One of the most devastating experiences someone could face is to have a loved one involved in a cult. Do you think Paul was encouraging the followers of Christ to go to seminary? And Jesus addressed them as follows: You have your heads in your Bibles constantly because you think youll find eternal life there. I think anniversary of his starting Prophecy Watchers. (Let it be said, however, that books, writings, dreams, visions, and revelations truly inspired by the Author of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, can indeed be equally esteemed with the Bible.). And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. Prophecy In The News | 7 followers on LinkedIn. With two decades of television news experience, Linda Church had earned enormous sums of money. Would you not be vexed if your children or servants or employees continually came to you, not in truth and sincerity, but as sycophants, seeking to please and to flatter, only because they wanted things from you? CRI: If a religious group exhibits one or more of the marks mentioned above, that group may well be considered a cult. There is little concern for individual thought and development. Dan will. What do you think would or could happen with families that do not have any faith regarding a son or daughter who steps out to follow God? He urged His followers to strive to enter in, saying few would be able to. The first mark of a cult is its manipulation of Scripture. Paul: Then according to the author, who typifies what many have to say in these matters, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church are exhibit A of cults, by virtue of the profound way in which they meet all the criteria. Appearance/Consulting: Doc What a grief to God that men vaunt themselves in this way! It is not a matter of what is right or true to them, nor is it a matter of what happens within their organization. I turned out to be the pastor to the very person who led me to the Lord. He is the Light. Others who profess to believe simply twist what he said, as Peter wrote of: as also in all [Pauls] letters, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable pervert, as also they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). In this war, no country will come to the aid of Israel. Only God is good (Matthew 19:17). Since salvation comes exclusively from the teachings of the group, in many cults members spend much of their time working for their organization. Jeremiah Johnson, a 33-year-old self-described prophet, was one of the few evangelical Christians who took Donald J. Trump's political future seriously back in 2015. Television Then the Jews said, This temple was forty-six years building, and will you rear it up in three days? Quick Bible Study Subscribe 1. Though we should provide you with the clearest and most apt description to discern who is and who is not a cult (which we will), will you believe? ADDITIONAL LINKS Then he said to me, Behold! Blind guides who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel! Insights Into News & Prophecy Long Remember the Queen: A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II by Isaac Khalil and Erik Jones - September 8, 2022 Queen Elizabeth II dedicated her life to service. Network (Dr. Tom Horn), Southwest Radio Ministries The author of this articles family would be proud of him as a preacher, because his is a work of the flesh. Who seeks to kill you? (John 7:19-20). Any name will do. How many have you heard proudly claim that they teach error? (With the exception of a few fringe guests). Doc Marquis -- PITN: Prophecy Summit 2015 the telephone operators at PITN named Carol, and she was telling me how On the marks of a cult, thats the CRI perspective. Throughout his life, J.R. was always most interested in prophetic research and television. And it is true that those who take it upon themselves to define a cult, as they see it from their own religious perspective, are guilty of slander, defamation of character, potential harm to saints of God, and blasphemy against God. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Prophecy in the News What WLC covers in the news and why: 1) News of the events that will lead to the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39, in which a coalition of countries led by Russia will wage war on Israel. Those in truth invite those in error to speak, so that they might have the opportunity to speak the truth to those in error. Let those who deny these things go their way and suffer according to these words by John: For I testify together to everyone who hears the Words of the prophecy of this Book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add on him the plagues that have been written in this Book. Lord knows we need more Doug and Joe Hagmann to (2012) When she concluded her lesson with an invitation to receive Christ, Terry and I responded. But He also was the Son of Man. Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, WATCH: After Resigning 'Prophecy in the News,' Stearman Launches 'Prophecy Watchers', Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. He, like the staff at Rapture Ready today, faithfully worked to win lost souls to Christ and prepare the church for the Rapture and the Second Coming of the Lord. The fruit ought to be recognizable, but how? Personal Message from Linda Church, - Prophecy in the News - Facebook And, yet, somehow with all the work he had to do Paul also managed to Not all cults have this mark, but many do. Jesus Christ said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you know Him, then you will hear His voice and know what He says in the Bible. In the days of His flesh, Jesus did not entrust Himself to any person, inside or out. Over a billion follow his blatant impudence against Jesus Christ, while he declares himself to be His sole vicar on earth. It is so because cults attract those who are more interested in themselves than in God. Hear what the orthodox had to say of Paul: This is the man that teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place [Jerusalem temple], and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and has polluted this holy place (Acts 21:28). Provide your email if you would like to receive periodic correspondence from us. Show me someone who does not try, and I will declare that person a true Christian. Her car has gone out on her and she needs a new one. Some cults will have many of these marks, others fewer, but cults will have at least one or more. The light of God alone can expose him. Gary Stearman Leaves Prophecy in the News. Hmm, a Watchman Walking Away These things dont apply to Him! But read what Jesus said to His disciples: Then Jesus said to them again, Peace to you. (Figure 1) and Linda Kay Barnett (Figure 2) would attempt to tackle. Everyone beware. 1,000 other shows throughout the world. interviews, please contact Doc Marquis @: The couple initially tied the knot in the 80s after dating for a while. Cults are many when it comes to organizations called churches. as the Illuminati. It is true that Jesus and His disciples went to synagogues and to the Temple. He who fears is not made perfect in love (1 John 4:18 HNV). Please open it and confirm your subscription. It is the only record available of the Lord Jesus Christ specifically, though the whole of the Old Testament points to, and writes of, Him. Stearman is joined by long-time friend and partner in . What I am hoping to point out here is that those who care, according to Gods definition, are very rare, and few believe them. This is the man who claims both temporal and heavenly authority in the lives of all humankind on earth! But darkness will never comprehend light, so it will make accusatory statements of those things done in light, such as we have seen by these examples of Scripture. END TIMES #10: Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy - The Key to the End Times. The warmth and friendliness, the formal manmade orderliness, and the formulation of truth and of ways of worshiping God are all the ways of Satan, savoring the things that are of men. These may seem spiritually beneficial, edifying, moving and enjoyable, even godly. These Scriptures are all about Me! This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Tell me, anyone, where in the Bible it says that hearing the Voice of God apart from the Bible is not for today. Once when trying to reach my father, he said to me, I was born a Catholic, and I will DIE a Catholic! He did. 12. Linda was born June 12, 1960, in Los Angeles, California, United States. Cults register with the government for tax exemption and license as a religious organization. Are they ministers of Christ? We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Church (Prophecy in the News) followed by Noah Hutchings (Southwest Radio Ministries) Dr. Chuck Missler (Konionia House) and several other dear friends, we took note how so many of the prophecy experts of the past were growing old and wondered what theologically well-equipped people would rise up to take their place. The Bible is twisted to fit the leader or groups interpretation. One can read The Restitution of All Things section on our site regarding this matter. Copyright 2021, All Right Reserved MARRIEDCELEB. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Hebrews 13:12-14). To do this, they must listen and pay attention, but those in error and serving their organizations cant even bear to listen to the truth, much less try to answer it. The other is a change of nature for the better. Yet the criteria are vague and virtually impossible to apply without throwing out the good with the bad, or simply keeping the bad. Occult Holidays, (2010) A drop of poison in a glass of pure water is sufficient to kill. He is the Spirit of Truth. Truly, the only way we can know is from God Himself. While the Bible is a detailed testimony of the Son of God, and has a perfectly reputable and verifiable history record, with records of specific prophecies that have come to pass, the Book of Mormon has nothing, yet they give it more credibility and respect than they do the Bible. Clearly Jesus Christ not only spoke of loved ones being divided, but claimed that He is directly responsible for doing such things. For you are the temple of the living God, as God has said, I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing. Licensing? There is no place in the congregation of the Lord, which has the true worship of God, for setting up an altar to the Bible and bowing down to it as though godly power and abilities reside in it, or, more to the point, in the one handling it. Deception, you are powerful! Many are those miscreants that have given themselves over to the lusts of the flesh, adultery, fornication, sexual orgies, Satan worship, carrying arms for warfare and self defence in the Name of God, drugs, racism, homosexuality, entrapment, hoarding supplies, deception, and innumerable other evils. Share. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Most denominations function this way. We dont believe like you do; sorry. And they die in their sins. Will you help her today! telling her how wonderful they each thought the Prophecy Summit was. Here is the way it is: The Biblical prophets and apostles are the Church fathers, while those listed above are the lowercase c church fathers. Let us give a valid definition to the word cult. Firstly, while there are cults of many social and religious persuasions, let us limit our scope, for the intent and purpose of this discussion, and address only those within the context of nominal Christendom. Here he describes the gulf between the two kinds of education: These things we also speak, not in words which mans wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. such praises over the Prophecy Summit. Because of that passion, J.R. and Linda moved to Oklahoma City in 1979 where he founded Prophecy in the News, a worldwide television and publishing ministry devoted to the study of biblical prophecy and current events. And yet not one of you keeps the Law! Glossary, Article Archives A Biblically-based community focused on prophetic truths revealing the imminent return of the Saviour. They celebrate and observe Sunday, Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Halloween, May Day, birthdays, anniversaries, Mothers Day, and Fathers Day. If you do not use Hebrew appellations, you are a pagan, case closed. Today we announcing our gospel partnership with one of the oldest and most respected evangelical ministries the world has ever seen. Aliens, At my first trial no one came to my defense. He is what the whole Bible is all about. She holds American citizenship and is of white ethnicity. We are to watch prophecy in the news so we will endure. I know ones who lied about other believers, stabbed them in the back, and purposely tried to turn other believers against the one/ones they had something against. Rapture Ready TV For Those Left Behind According to this message we will enter this time very soon. And, as His custom was, He went in to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read (Luke 4:16). But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. They never did, and never would or could. Yes, the retired beautiful broadcaster was previously married to the same man not once but twice. Earlier, on August 16, 1958, he married the former Linda Clarice Jordan in Lubbock. (19) Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, Paul: What does this statement truly mean? Of these is it written: And the nations were full of wrath, and Your wrath came, and the time of the judging of the dead, and to give the reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to the ones fearing Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those destroying the earth (Revelation 11:18). On his, while reflecting on his walk with the Lord, J.R. Church described how he came to know the Lord: When I was seven years old, I was invited by a kid down the block to attend a Wednesday afternoon Bible class held after school at the home of Mrs. Pauline Click.

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