Ok here's a list of my ideas in the form of challenges for other authors to make stories out of & to give them new ideas & inspiration. Once hes done with that, he grabs a spoon from a drawer, and heads into the living room. Lets see what goes on in that simple minded space you call a brain. Lana sees El Diablo wrapped around Lincolns leg, prompting her to grab a rolled up newspaper, and start hitting El Diablo with it). They asked for him to do everything for them they basically treat him like a slave and they don't even do anything in return for him. Lana: Not to mention her unnecessary twerking! Ranges from mostly Fluff to hardcore Smut. (As they continue on, they notice a bunch of Lincolns lurking around in a suspicious manner. Usually it's the fighting I can't seem to control, but this? "Yeah, but then the time I used Donkey Kong and threw the banana peel at Bowser" Justin teared up. Lana: Is this why Lincoln hates El Diablo now? Lincoln: >interrupts Lyn Sr.< Dad, don't try to make it too sappy, besides, we don't need to mention her name anymore in this story. (Lincoln teaches Lynn how to control a dirt bike, he taught Lynn to pull off stunts when making jumps by preloading, he even showed Lynn a race, Lincoln placed first in the race he shown Lynn, he then hands her the controller). In order to do that, she'll ask advice to her mother. (Lynn Sr. popped up from the dining room as he sees his children sitting on the couch getting along as usual), Lynn Sr.: Well isn't this a nice change of pace? Lana: That only happens when he sings loud. Thank you so much! (The sisters continue to venture around, and head down the road. Una coleccin de historias homenaje, dedicadas a mis fanfics favoritos del fandom de la Serie: "The Loud House". Reposted from AFF, and based off of assembled greenposts done for TLVG, enjoy nine chapters (plus a bonus chapter!) Lisa: >annoyed, to Lynn< Just you wait until I conduct an experiment on you one day, you will pay for this atrocious sport and/or play against me! Any ideas? (Lynn just got off the couch and she walked outside peacefully, then she starts screaming like crazy in a more cheerful mood as she is no longer banned from sports and is happy to be playing again, from the window, the entire family was watching Lynn as she was excited for returning to sports at school tomorrow). Does Lincoln still hold a grudge because of what weve witnessed? Part 1 of Alternate Thiccverse Loud House; Language: English Words: 5,038 . Lynn: What's the matter chumps? The goth girl was quiet as usual, and Lynn hung out with friends the entire day doing basketball practice. 1, 2, 3, 4, (Once the song ends, the audience goes absolutely berserk with excitement. The sisters got a closer look at the stuffed rabbit in its glass case, and discover a plaque on the wall that explains in full detail the story of how Lincoln got Bun-Bun. Lynn: Hmmmmlooks sports related, butI'll give it a try. (To her surprise, Lucy wasn't doing too good, she got into last place not soon after crashing, Lynn has won the game again, Lynn then starts twerking on her face), (Lucy wasn't very pleased about being defeated by Lynn as she scowled over her loss against her, then she forced Lola to play the game with her). Memory Lincoln: (painfully) Whats with that snake? >annoyed< Lucy, I wish you quit doing that! The chair Lana is in suddenly restrains her to the chair, rendering her immobile, and the helmet intended to scan her head, suddenly clamps down on her head, and once it turns on, Lana passes out. Female Lincoln 2: I want to be with one forever! (Lynn is shocked to see her own siblings surround her in a shadow and grab her by her shirt, then it cuts to Lynn all tied up in a chair, she struggles to get out of the chair, but she even notices that her arms and legs are tied up to the legs of the chair). Leni: I really hope hes right about the whole acting nicer method. With a long-lost member, How will the Loud Family react to this sudden revelation? Lincoln gets so tired of his sisters that he decides to run away towards Los Angeles with his friends. And now, back to our scheduled program! Lincoln: Ahh. Nothing could have prepared her for the emotional journey ahead of her when she asks her family the simple question, "Where's Lana?". No wonder Lincoln is scared of needles nowadays. There are also female Lincolns presents. Habr homenajes/Au de otros fics, tanto de Fanfiction como de Wattpad. #immortally (It then cuts back to The Loud House where Lincoln continues to play "MX vs. ATV All-out", Lynn comes home in a good mood). Lucy: It can be, but you'll get used to it. Fanfiction - Whitewashed - The Loud House Encyclopedia He was clearly shivering because it was very cold outside and the blanket that he had with him wasn't enough for this cold winter night. #revenge Luan: I was getting so tired of your gloating, you have been "gloating" for trouble >giggles< get it? -A collaboration with UnderratedHero. Lynn: You know what? Lynn: ButI don't have in common with them. Moments later, Lincoln notices his stomach rumbling, and not feeling so well, Lincoln rushes into the bathroom, and begins groaning loudly. Lynn Sr.: Good, I'm preparing for tonight's dish, "Succotash Saturday", (Lynn Sr. then enters the kitchen with the groceries, then Lynn turns to her siblings with a creepy grin), Lynn: You want to race me again? This story is all about me, I'll ask Lincoln the next morning and see if he'll play with me, but first >yawns< back to my dream. Lincoln manages to remove her soiled diaper, and tosses it away. Lincoln: Lucky for us, we unplugged the console before you even started to challenge us. ), Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House). Lisa: This part of the city seems to represent all the media Lincoln likes, ranging from a few video games, and even TV shows. Clyde: I do hope your problem is solved, and I feel sorry for Lynn now that she is banned from school sports. She realizes). Fanfiction - A Toy Story + Arts and Chaos - The Loud House Encyclopedia The girls in the audience squeal so loud, that some of them passed out, and some squealed loud enough to shatter nearby windows. Lincoln: I know that, I meant >points to Leni< you should call a meeting. Lynn Sr.: Good idea Junior, maybe that should help re-connect with your family. "They told the whole town I was bad luck and now I am banned from every restaurant and the school keeps me outside and I have to listen to what they are saying from outside everyone's just is treating me like I'm some sort of animal you're probably wondering why CPS or the cops are not helping well for some reason they don't care and my best friend Clyde betrayed me because of this myth and Ronnie Anne my girlfriend broke up with me and started dating my bully Chandler because of this stupid rumor" He said as tears filled his eyes. Lynn: I-I-I-I'm-->sighs< you're right, I'm sorry you guys, I guess I haven't been like myself lately, not since I've been banned from sports because of my rough play, I haven't even been the same recently. Lisa: Well, we cant just live in here forever. Loudhouse Stories - Wattpad (In the real world, half of Lincolns sisters have wrapped one of their arms around Lincoln, making Lincoln smile with satisfaction, knowing that despite the bad things theyve done to him, he still loves him). Lisa: >to Leni< for Pete's sake, it's just a rhyme scheme. Let us hope that make for some improvements. Lola: Lynn, please don't do this to me, I'm not good at it! Lisa: If you want me to, I can use my neuralyzer to make you forget what you saw. (The Owl House) Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Summary. Haiku (The Loud House) Lisa perfects cloning science and makes clones of herself and her siblings. Scared to race me again? Lincoln finally had enough of his family treating like crap and how much he gets bullied at school and he is just tired of the town and after then kicking him out of the house he had it now he goes down path of evil and he is going to get revenge on. It was the mandibles of a shark the size of their house.] Lana managed to sneak into Lincoln's room and let a bunch of snakes loose inside. then he was kidnapped and taken to an underground auction where he is quickly sold off to a married couple. Lincoln: So, what would you like to do with me Lynn? Seeing that she got a dress, she continually keeps on clicking the dress to earn more. The sounds of metal clashing is heard inside the large training room, and Tannins and Athena watch this from their control module which navigates the room and everything that is needed, the room meant for training in melee to ranged . Crossovers with other shows later on. He opens a cupboard, and sees a box of cereal on a hard to reach counter. Gah! They quickly rush upstairs, and at that moment, the machine stops vibrating, and emits a loud bootup sound, signifying that the machine is up and ready. Five people having enough of the loud house for their mistreatment, abusive and neglective nature, finally they had enough of i What if Lincoln didn't lie about having badluck to have time for himself, but to have time for a certain foundation. Please consider turning it on! Lincoln: >to Lynn< Are you sure? The other sisters enter). Your desire for nosiness has completely traumatized you. They sure grew a lot every time he came back. Lynn: I just wanted to wake up my favorite little bro in the whole world. When I move to Michigan and Meet the Loud Kids, The Entirety of the Universe will change forever. Vengeance is Loud. Lisa: I thought that sleeping gas would make good use one of these days. Outside there is a white haired boy sitting in his pajamas and he was crying by the looks of it. Work Search: Lynn: >grins nervously< Oh good morning guys, what's up? Upon closer inspection, they discover that 10 of the building have their names on them. Finally! Lincoln, Lucy, Lily, Leni, and Luna Loud. All characters depicted in the story are 18+. (gestures to helmets on the pole) Anybody who attaches these babies to their heads will be able to venture into the mind of whoever sits in that lone chair right here. With each desperate attempt to escape only sending them deeper into a world of illegal activities. Leni: >to Lincoln< Linc, do you have any other ideas on how to stop Lynn's gameing spree? This is my third fanfiction to have "Loud" in the title, with the first two being "The Diary of a Loud", and "Loudcasts". (The sisters leave the convention building, and continue their adventure through Lincolns mind). It was the early afternoon of a Saturday, as 21 year old Lincoln was just relaxing in the couch, reading a book. The Multiverse Trio reunite as Ash faces his biggest challenge yet. Lynn Sr.: I'm not the one you should be apologizing, you should apologize to your brother after all the times you did to him recently. Lola was slightly weirded out by this), (Lola, shocked to find out what she had just stepped in, looks down, and discovers that she had just stepped in mud. On his first day at Archetype Academy, a school that trains its student to harness their potential, Lincoln Loud worries that his lack of powers will ruin his attempts to follow in his exceptional sisters' footsteps. Lynn: I appreciate for what you are trying to do, but all I could think about is sports, and it's really hard for me to stop thinking about it. Lola: He really likes that ARGGH! Lynn Sr.: Well, I guess it was a mistake for banning her from school sports in the first place huh? ", | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Mileena (Mortal Kombat)/Original Male Character(s), Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House), Lincoln Loud/Original Female Character(s), Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, Satoshi no Kairyu | Ash Ketchum's Dragonite, Satoshi no Uonoragon | Ash Ketchum's Dracovish, Bertrand Tetherby and Melanie Pingrey (Oc's), Lori Loud and Captain Nikita Griffin (OC), Renaud Bailey/Barbed Wire and Bertrand Tetherby/The Raven (OC's), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, implied self harm (doesn't actually occur, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Blonde Cheerleader (The Owl House: A Lying Witch and a Warden), Squid Games but it's Multi-Fandom Version, Starlight Mayhem/On Command (TheMaskedChris), The Guy Trapped in Monika's DDLC (Vannamelon), Sorry for Death's or Blood! The Loud House Fanfiction Stories | Quotev At that moment, Lana wakes up, and notices that shes still restrained to the chair). because of mind-controlling helmets and chips, it ends with her being molested, and with Lynn still obsessed with Lucy, promise to Cristina to help her get revenge, she lets everything up to chapter 33 happen because of her promise, Agape and Ronnie betraying her, for instance, Lincoln isnt the one who arbitrarily suffers the brunt of the dysfunctionality, with the sisters treating each other just as badly, starts to feel like a burden to her family because she isn't like her other siblings, realize their mistakes and make it up to Lincoln, actually gets so badly injured from the beating that he has to be hospitalized and develops the titular phobia of his sisters, It's more optimistic in tone than most fics on this page or in this section but. Which would be a. He opens up the cereal box, and pours in some cereal. Lynn: I wanted to say thank you for making me interested in the game, you got any plans today? An 18 year Lincoln was walking home after graduating from high school. Lisa: So it was a mistake to ban her from sports due to rough play but they decided to bring her back? Lana: What the? Lynn: WOO HOO! However, I must warn you, girls, that you must be careful about the way you treat Lincoln. Lincoln, on the verge of throwing up, runs to the bathroom, and vomits endlessly. Story suggested by MarvelEarth19999. Once inside, Lincoln begins pacing back and forth in frustration. She plastered herself against the wall, trying her best to be concealed from view. Lola: >to Lincoln< And please don't try that "beat Lynn at her own game so she can compete with us after a loss" again! Lynn: And so you see guys, I know I've been aggressive to you all the time, so what do you say, will you give me a second chance to bond with you again? But seriously, she is completely nuts. Lynn: Luce, I hope you don't mind, but I need to be alone for a while. Lynn: >annoyed, to Lincoln< SHUT UP STINKOLN!!! The other sisters, alerted by Lilys crying, run up to her aid, where they all meet up). He didn't actually choose the title, as he went for title called "Scientific Rudeness". And soon these two innocent kids will become some of the most wanted criminals in the world. Lynn: >in thought< Hm, I will admit, being banned from sports may have changed my life, although come to think of it, I miss it already, I'm thankful for Lincoln for opening me to this game, if he talked me into being interested in playing that gamemaybe I'll ask him to play with me, and the rest of my sisters, it's too bad Lori is missing out on it, but who cares about her? Lynn: >screams< Ah! Lori is about to leave the Loud house to begin university. Lisa Loud is known to be the brains of the Loud family. "Yes, it's here." He said. Memory Lisa: Excellent. "Oh Lincoln I'm not a person I am in something much more different than anything else in the world I am the evilness in the world call me The Darkness and I have been watching you very carefully Lincoln" The Darkness said in a very calm but evil voice. It's part of the game. Leni: >whispers to Lincoln< What do I do next? The sisters examine the building, and notice familiar looking bunny statues adorned. Suddenly, a bone snaps, causing Lincoln to scream in agony. Una Isla, 22 participantes del universo Loud house, un premio, reality presentado por el presentador ms querido, jaja si claro. (It then cuts to Lincoln with his PS4 copy of "MX vs. ATV All-out" and shown it to Lynn). As que tome asiento y disfrute su trago [Alguno de estos pueden ser bastante fuertes, as como no tener sentido]. Clyde: Sorry to hear that buddy, do you have a plan to stop this "Lynn-sanity"? Lynn Sr.: Well yes, she wanted to apologize for banning her when she was the one who helped drive the team to a score, so they decided to give her a second chance and no matter what happens, they will never do that again. The Owl House (Cartoon) - Works | Archive of Our Own The memory ends, and Lucy, being gloomy as she is, remains unfazed), (Lana opens a door on her building, and sees a memory where Lana instructs Lincoln on how her pets should be fed). Lynn Sr.: I think it would be helpful if you rebuild a better relationship with your siblings. Zen Lincoln: Just be careful on how you treat him. Lincoln, instead of going along with it or accepting it, is instead worried for his sisters and tries his best to help them through their hardships. (The sisters walk over to the door, and theres a sign attached to it). (Lincoln became annoyed by Lynn's gloating, he decides to leave the den for Lynn to celebrate her victory, it later cuts to Lucy who was meditating, until she was interrupted by Lynn). Lincoln is moved back into the house, all his things are back where they belong, and most of the family have made peace with him; however, Lynn Jr. still makes him wear the squirrel suit to her games to bring her luck. Lincoln: First off, pun intended, secondly, as a matter of fact I do, the plan is in motion, once everyone is asleep, I'll unplug the system and the rest of us tie up Lynn and teach her a lesson. Luna: Not to mention sick, and it's not cool. Obedient Sisters, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction So one night Lincoln loud is kidnap and taken to a government facility. While in her depression, she meets up with an old friend from her childhood, and an unrealized romance ensues. The siblings begin to hang with them and have a blast. He 11 Loud Riders - (Ben 10: AF x TLH Crossover). They walk in, and discover that its filled with all forms of media Lincoln likes, ranging from Ace Savvy, Muscle Fish, and even The Dream Boat). (Lynn gives Lincoln the puppy eyes as she begs Lincoln to play the game with him, Lincoln then groans). How wet he could make her.The sensation was so new to her. Also, I was the one who came up with the Pego name. Eda once said "But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us . Lori had a black eye on left, messed up hairs and bruises on her arms, legs and even her right cheek. Basically Rita and Lynn Sr. want to adopt, and you can figure out the rest on your own, Requests are welcome. (Lincoln then plugs the PS4 back onto the wall outlet and he starts up the console and gets the game started, Lincoln volunteered to go first, so it was him versus Lynn, the gates dropped and Lincoln got into second place with Lynn dropping down to third as she kept her promise not to win against her siblings like she promised, she passes the other racers and let's Lincoln take the lead, Lynn goes to second place and keeps her distance from Lincoln, after three laps, for the very first time since two days ago, Lincoln had won the race and Lynn was placed in second, she was happy that Lincoln won and she did stick to promise to let her other siblings win against her, then it was Leni's turn and she won as well, same goes for Luna, Luan, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and of course Lily, all of the siblings cheered as they won against Lynn at each of the races). The shock travels through the machine, and is sent back to Lola. It was a calm day in Seattle. According to Lincoln, whenever he thinks of Bun-Bun, he always think of the same three words: (The moment theyre done reading the plaque, the sisters are left with tears in their eyes, now knowing the whole story of why Lincoln is so attached to Bun-Bun), (The sisters proceeded to hug Leni, and once they were done with that, they exited the museum, and continued to venture around the city. Lynn: >interrupts Lincoln< I DON'T PLAY NICE, EVERYBODY IS OUT TO GET YOU EVEN IF YOU DON'T AT LEAST EXPECT IT, and from now on, you don't have to worry about me bullying you, you no longer have to worry about me inviting you to any sports events, because I'm done with sports in general.

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