Altruisto is a browser extension so that when you shop online, a portion of the money you pay goes to effective charities (no extra cost to you). no IQb + mgl: normal And intelligence, being a function of the brain itself rather than directly of the genes that generate it, would in this analogy depend more directly on something more like the shape of the plants leaves than the internal fractal parameters that generate it. For this reason, they dont tend to hang out with normal people much. There is another problem: Giftedness also increases empathy, which in the wrong environment can be a bad thing. Have children earlier, maybe? This requires a strongly non-linear sensitivity to hyperparameters, which is unusual for the fitness w.r.t. Can we quantify the causality going the other way? Most genuinely intelligent people are also fairly charismatic. Probably not the most important feature of this research but its a thunderous argument against modern day IQ-obsessed cryptoeugenicists. I have 5 children. Beware Simpsons Paradox. Their career progress might have stalled due to stress and sleep deprivation. Karpinksi et al. We often joke that my son learned English as a second language, it appeared that his primary language acquisition pathway just wasnt there. * Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it. Theres a range for this parameter, selection in the past has left most of the population too low, but if you push the parameter up too high things will break. Im really curious, how many people identify with this statement? The same principle can be applied to genetic traits. Trump = President Camacho, the contemporary media is just as idiotic as the media in that movie, etc. It would be better to try for more precision/clarification concerning the form of social or linguistic impairment you are concerned about and investigate that. Seems like it could apply if there were many genes of small but overlapping effect, so that one particular aspect of mental performance is sometimes pushed past the breaking point. His auditory channel is very slow and only turns on when you say his name or repeat the question. Why? A 120 year old comes into my office and asks what her risk of death next year is. First, these two children were the only children where my wife was working while she was pregnant. Hard to specify. Or maybe not, because the researchers just act like they are cognitively distinct subtypes anyway, so it might not make much difference in practice. This pattern is not uncommon (my son followed this trajectory), and is partly responsible for the even less uncommon belief that vaccines cause autism, because the regression coincides with vaccination. Ah, that would explain the discrepancy. ASD core diagnostic symptoms are not uniquely linked and are only very rarely expressed without nondiagnostic symptoms. If that didnt work because the moralizing pearl-clutching normies insisted on creating arbitrary obstacles in my path to financial success, I would definitely see cuddling up to Putin as a good alternative. I then play out both parts of the conversation from memory as their mouth gapes open.). I never liked that. I suspect a lot of people who answered the survey were giving scores from IQ tests they took as children, or from internet tests of dubious quality. B4X is a free and open source developer tool that allows users to write apps for Android, iOS, and more. And so humans recently had/still are having a massive selection for genes that require lower thresholds for immune responses, and genes that outsource some of the immune de-escalation responsibilities to gut microbes and parasites, etc in order to get a faster jump have proliferated to the point where a lot of these are normal now; this is the hygiene hypothesis or old friends hypothesis and the best outline of I can offer for it is the book An Epidemic of Absence by Moises Velazquez-Manoff. He is the most Civil Servicy person around. I dont think you can model the autism-IQ correlation using a simple additive genetic model. I was thinking of Sickle Cell Anemia, where if you get the gene from one parent you are immune to malaria, while if you get from both, your blood cant carry enough oxygen. In particular, the excess of alleles associated with higher intelligence and educational attainment was only observed in the higher functioning categories (particularly Aspergers syndrome and individuals without comorbid intellectual disability) and not in the other/unspecified PDD and intellectual disability categories. Id say his IQ is similar to or higher than mine (around 135.). Other interesting question if the Flynn effect is more important than genetics and our mean IQ is 15 points higher than 100 years ago: where are all the geniuses? n=1 description of autism and speculation on etiology. This has held me back at networking events, but overall, there is some tolerance for being abnormal out of the office. 10 hours ago View Detailed Check-in. In some sense, all autism has such-and-such characteristics studies are studying the way people like to define autism, and tell us nothing about any underlying disease process. My vague recollection on this is a large portion of population variance in IQ is additive (like 30 or 40%? >They are being positively selected, ie increasing with every generation, presumably because people with the genes are having more children than people without them. Maybe one bias from my statement is Im young, and many of my smart friends are also young. Theres a new paper out on how the frequency of variants that affect educational achievement (which also affect IQ) have been changing over time in Iceland. Like, if you have one copy of a particular high-IQ gene you get high IQ, but two copies of that gene is too much of a good thing and you get autism? hosts a Skype reading group Wednesdays at 19:45 UTC, reading new and old articles on different aspects of AI Safety. r/slatestarcodex - Autism, rationality and intelligence I.e. Potential confounder: having a low-functioning autistic child is highly stressful and often unpleasant.,, Arizone State University Autism symptoms reduced nearly 50% two years after fecal transplant, The Economist More evidence that autism is linked to gut bacteria, Maybe Your Zoloft Stopped Working Because A Liver Fluke Tried To Turn Your Nth-Great-Grandmother Into A Zombie,,,,, From a certain perspective, it merges with normal. About 13% of autistic children (in this sample from whatever social stratum they took their sample from) have fathers who are engineers, compared to only 5% of a group of (presumably well-matched?) No guarantees in biology, but you can try to find a future partner with no such family history. This is true in a sense, but also alters what we mean by normal. If you have too many, your legs are bizarrely long twigs that you totter around on like a newborn giraffe, and youve just gone to far so you wont be a great runner. If anything, theres a slight positive correlation between the two. It is often said that male IQ has the same mean as female IQ but greater variance, so you find more men in both tails of the IQ distribution. James Comeys twitter and book are exactly what Id expect from a career civil service person. Fortunately, at home, I can act how I want, which recharges me significantly. 2. At the individual level things are generally way more complex than these symptom-based diagnoses and the key is to ask *why* the kid isnt mixing well socially, gets into fights / lashes out, or cant sit still rather than reify it as a brain dysfunction. A couple of things about her birth stand out when comparing the two with the other children. IQb + low genetic load : extremely high intelligence, slight or undetectable autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined I guess it depends on how you define weirdness; I define it as having interests, beliefs, or though processes that are significantly different than most people I dont think Ive encountered any extremely intelligent people for whom none of the above are the case. There was a Conversations With Tyler podcast with Michelle Dawson (link here including transcript) where this was discussed. I imagine the effort you put into fitting in goes down as you get older. The Tower vs Foundation model seems to treat intelligence as if its an attribute like height or arm length; the modification of some static variable. But that wouldnt be the way to bet, IMO. Ive heard stories of autistic children sometimes regressing in development around 2 years old, e.g. I was a bit of an outlier in my family, and didnt really find a peer group I fitted in with until university. i do wish you wouldnt use the phrase autism risk. The best civil servants get an extra allowance of weirdness points to allocate as necessary. I have always considered him more naturally gifted than me. Kindof like we could genetically engineer all people to be tetrachromats. This seems like circular logic to me. But the ability to notice patterns in the world, analyze phenomena and their causes/effects, understand highly complex and abstract concepts, and make connections between things all seem to be correlated with higher levels of social awareness and persuasive ability. First, the studies. Everyone else, enslaved or not, kept dying off working the fields. Perhaps whats happening is that the genetic factors passed along are responsible for generally supporting IQ, but high IQ parents are having children later in life for some reason (more years of schooling than average, early stage demanding careers, saving a nest egg before starting a family). Two of our three kids had extremely large heads as babies. There could be something similar going on with autism. Id cheerfully get in bed with the military-industrial complex -in fact, Id probably be rock-hard the whole time. Since the definition of autism (as noted by Scott and discussed elsewhere in the comments) is primarily symptomatic, that means you only get the diagnosis if you display symptomatic behaviors meeting a certain noticeable threshold. All this is a purely hypothetical thought-experiment, of course. Of the autistics I personally know (through common support groups), the Aspergers all have a parent who is an engineer or computer scientist of some sort. If I personally were one of these hypothetical genius scientists in possession of technology that could reshape the world, I think that the most optimal strategy for me would be to offer this technology to the U.S. in exchange for a large sum of money say, $50 million. The mothers of red-green colorblind individuals are frequently tetrachromats. So the only question is whether the size of the effect is enough to fully explain the data or whether, even after adjusting out the degree to which autism is caused by mutations and environment, it still decreases IQ. 3. control children (though see the discussion here) for some debate over how seriously to take this; I am less sure this is accurate than most of the other statistics mentioned here. Crespi suggests that autism is marked by an imbalance between P (as the tower) and V + R (as the foundation). This fits with my observations of my family (parents, siblings, kids) and other science majors in college. But dont take my word for it, check out the excellent 2016 lit review by Waterhouse et al which concludes: No unitary ASD brain impairment or replicated unitary model of ASD brain impairment exists. Higher IQ people have lower infant mortality rates than lower IQ people. I recognised my son was different at about 15 months old. and they seem just as likely to have unplanned children as less intelligent people with equally bad impulse control. Social rituals are incredibly important though, humans are social animals. This can lead to bullying and social isolation, which in the long term can cause depression and the failure to learn social customs. As a result, we could have similar imbalances. For example, in World War I, we saw an increase in head injuries after we started giving soldiers helmets but the reason wasnt that soldiers wearing helmets were more likely to get injured, but because previously, the injuries to their head simply would have killed them and they would have been marked as dead, not as having head injuries.

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