Privacy Statewide elections, a redder South Texas and Beto-mania: the biggest Texas political stories to watch for in 2022. Should the government break up Amazon, Facebook and Google? U.S. Should hate speech be protected by the first amendment? Within both parties, older Americans are more likely to prioritize defense issues (see detailed tables). A majority of U.S. adults continue to think the federal government should ensure universal healthcare coverage, while they also prefer that the U.S. healthcare . Should the military upgrade Air Force One? Abortion rights activist Sierra Frey cries while protesting in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, after the court overturned a federal right to an abortion. Notably, majorities rate all of these policy goals either as a top priority for the president and Congress or as an important but lower priority; for each, relatively small shares say they are not too important or should not be done. (For a closer look at the top policy priorities of partisan and demographic groups, see the detailed tables accompanying this report). About seven-in-ten White (72%), Black (69%) and Hispanic (70%) adults say this should be a top priority this year. Should the federal government fund Universal preschool? (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Less than half of those with a college degree (44%) say that issue should be a top priority. About six-in-ten Americans (61%) say that reducing health care costs should be a top policy priority for the president and Congress this year, according to the January survey. President Joe Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address on Tuesday night. Should there be a 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave the government? Dealing with the coronavirus outbreak is viewed as a less important priority than last year. Should the President offer tax breaks to individual companies to keep jobs in the U.S.? In the wake of two mass shootings in May at a New York grocery store and a Texas elementary school, Americans mentions of guns as the most important problem in the country rose to 8% in June. Dealing with climate change is the only issue which White Democrats (68%) are more likely than Black Democrats (58%) to view as a top priority. Republicans satisfaction, already a low 8% in 2021 after President Joe Biden took office, is down to 4% in 2022. Should there be more or less privatization of veterans healthcare? Should there be a limit to the amount of money a candidate can receive from a donor? Should the government build a network of electric vehicle charging stations? Should the government prevent mega mergers of corporations that could potentially control a large percentage of market share within its industry? There are some exceptions to this pattern, however. This compares with 42% of those ages 30 to 49, 36% of those ages 50 to 64 and 39% of those age 65 and older. Voter issues U.S. midterm elections 2022 | Statista Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, there had been long-term drops in the shares citing the economy and jobs as top policy priorities. The government edges out the high cost of living or inflation (16%) and outpaces the economy in general (12%). Fierce fighting across Sudan has left hopes for a peaceful transition to civilian rule in tatters. Heres a look at public opinion on some of the key issues facing the country, drawn from recent Pew Research Center surveys. Instead, it was mostly Democrats and, according to polling, a slim majority of independents who paid closest attention and blamed Trump more for what happened afterward. A spring 2021 survey found that 84% of Hispanic adults said there should be a way for undocumented immigrants to stay in the country legally if certain requirements were met, compared with 69% of U.S. adults overall. The biggest Texas political stories to watch for in 2022 | The Texas The survey was conducted prior toRussias invasion of Ukraine, before the U.S.put troops on higher alert, and before NATO announced that member countries wouldsend military support to the region. large majorities of Americans say prices for food and consumer goods (89%), State of the Union 2022: How Americans view major national issues, A growing share of Americans say affordable housing is a major problem where they live, In Response to Climate Change, Citizens in Advanced Economies Are Willing To Alter How They Live and Work, Americans views of key foreign policy goals depend on their attitudes toward international cooperation, People in U.S., Western Europe differ over what needs more fixing: Their nations political or economic system, What the data says about Americans views of climate change, Podcasts as a Source of News and Information, AI in Hiring and Evaluating Workers: What Americans Think, Americans confident in Zelenskyy, but have limited familiarity with some other world leaders, How Public Polling Has Changed in the 21st Century. By contrast, 65% of Democrats said they are at least somewhat confident that the investigation is fair and reasonable, and 27% said they are very confident. Fewer Republicans (53%) identify lowering health care costs as a top priority. [Randomize]" Ideology is measured on a scale of 1-7, with 1 corresponding to "extremely liberal", 7 corresponding to "extremely conservative, and 4 corresponding to "in the middle." Should private businesses have the right to ask customers for their vaccination status? The share of Republicans who prioritize reducing the budget deficit also increased from 54% to 63%, while holding stable among Democrats (29% then vs. 31% now). Should the government classify cryptocurrencies as legal forms of payment? Learn more about how the Gallup Poll Social Series works. PDF What Issues Matter Most To Voters in 2022 U.S. Mid-Term Elections: Long Comparable shares in both parties also say taking steps to make the Social Security system financially sound (58% of Republicans, 56% of Democrats) and dealing with drug addiction (32% of Democrats, 27% of Republicans) should be top priorities. Each sample of national adults includes a minimum quota of 75% cellphone respondents and 25% landline respondents, with additional minimum quotas by time zone within region. Should the US increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers? The share of Americans who say addressing issues around race should be a top priority for the president and Congress has fallen from 49% to 37%. Read more about theATPs methodology. Should disposable products (such as plastic cups, plates, and cutlery) that contain less than 50% of biodegradable material be banned? Should the government give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry? Dealing with global climate change was among the most politically divisive issues on the January survey: Roughly two-thirds of Democrats (65%) say this should be a top priority for Biden and Congress this year, compared with just 11% of Republicans. Analyze and improve the experiences across your employee life cycle, so your people and organization can thrive. Subscribe to the NPR Nation RSS feed. Please support our research with a financial contribution. Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? Jan 23, 2023. But that was just the headliner. Most Important Issue Facing Texas (August 2022) | The Texas Politics Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs? Nearly two-thirds of women (65%) say that dealing with the coronavirus outbreak should be a top priority for the president and Congress this year. Should politicians over 75 years of age have required to pass a mental competency test? While the issue faded in mentions of the most important problem in subsequent months, it has remained elevated among Democrats. This marks a shift from last year, when the economy and the coronavirus both topped the publics policy agenda. Although the Biden administration has acted on a number of fronts to reverse more restrictive Trump-era immigration policies, deportation remains an important concern for many U.S. Latinos. Among those items that rank near the bottom on the 18-item priorities list today are addressing issues around race (37% top priority), strengthening the military (also 37%), dealing with global trade (35%) and dealing with drug addiction (31%). Here are the three. Browse webinars and in-person learning sessions to fit your interests. Roughly four-in-ten Americans without a college degree (42%) say that strengthening the military should be a top priority, compared with about a quarter (26%) of those with a college degree. Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change? There is also a partisan divide: 53% of Democrats say this should be a top priority, compared with 14% of Republicans. A majority of voters (59%) said the economy will be extremely important to their congressional vote this year, 55% said the same of inflation, and 49% on taxes. Should the government regulate social media sites, as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation? Spicemas Launch 28th April, 2023 - Facebook Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. The former president remained very much on the political scene and will continue to whether leaders in his party like it or not. Views also differ based on age. Overall, about half of Americans (49%) say that dealing with immigration should be a major priority for the president and Congress this year, up 10 points from a year ago. An average of 19% of U.S. adults have mentioned some aspect of the government as the most important problem facing the country in Gallups 11 measures this year. The incidents led to modest gun reforms signed into law. . Should the government stop construction of the Dakota Access pipeline? Views also differ based on age. Should the Federal Reserve Bank be audited by Congress? Here are just some of the top political stories of 2022, in no particular rank or order: Democrats do better in the midterms than expected It's going to be divided federal government come the new year. Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, Black adults are more likely than White or Hispanic adults to rate a number of issues as top policy priorities. In the latest CNN poll, just 9% of Republican voters and 4% of Democratic voters called it their top issue. While the COVID-19 pandemic has improved throughout the year, inflation has worsened and heightened Americans concerns. Today, two-thirds of Republicans (67%) view immigration as a top priority, compared with just 35% of Democrats. Now, with Republicans set to take control of the House, the select committee will be disbanded and the two GOP members on the panel won't be returning to Congress. Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun? Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession? This terrorism comes in many forms, including murders, mass murders, and race-based attacks. Republicans are, on average, about 25 points more likely than Democrats to say each of these issues should be at the top of the national policy agenda. Do you support Common Core national standards? Despite registering relatively low annual averages, several issues have been notably higher at some points this year. This year, 67% of Republicans view immigration as a top priority, compared with just 35% of Democrats. There was a lot that happened in politics in 2022, from the consequential midterm elections to the U.S. Supreme Court's historic abortion ruling and record migration at the southern border. These were the top political stories of 2022 | WUSF Public Media There was a lot that happened in politics in 2022, from the consequential midterm elections to the U.S. Supreme Court's historic abortion ruling and record migration at the southern border. In times of uncertainty, good decisions demand good data. Missouri's biggest political stories of 2022 | STLPR The government category has only been unseated from the top spot in Gallups list once in the past five years -- in 2020, when COVID-19 surpassed it. Should the U.S. build a wall along the southern border? There are two issues dealing with the coronavirus outbreak and dealing with climate change where those with more formal education are more likely to say this issue should be a top priority. Politics | Gallup Topic On average, Republicans are more likely than Democrats and independents to name the government as the most pressing issue in 2022. Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? These were the top political stories of 2022 - NPR Only 28% rate economic conditions as excellent or good. 6 questions for politics in 2022. Should online payment platforms be forced to report all transactions over $600 to the IRS? He also helps edit political coverage. Should the government attempt to influence foreign elections? Should businesses be required to provide paid leave for full-time employees during the birth of a child or sick family member? Should the government hire private companies to run prisons? For this analysis, we surveyed 5,128 U.S. adults in January 2022. The year also saw political violence with Pelosi's husband, Paul, attacked in their California home and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh targeted, which led to stepped up security for the justices. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Should illegal immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare? About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. There are three topics dealing with global trade issues, reducing the budget deficit and dealing with immigration that men view as higher priorities than do women. Dealing with the coronavirus outbreak ranked among Americans top three policy concerns in the January survey, but Americans view it as less important than they did last year. As expected, Republicans won control of the House, but the GOP will only have a narrow, four-seat majority, and Democrats held the Senate. The share of Americans who say that addressing issues around race is an important priority this year has fallen from 49% in early 2021 to 37% this year. The decline is steeper among Republicans than Democrats 60% said the pandemic was a top priority a year ago compared with 35% today but fewer Democrats also still view it as a major priority (93% last year, 80% now). Choose an issue below to start exploring. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Wade is overturned and abortion laws are left to the states, the issue would quickly shoot up on voters' priority list. The 2022 figure is the lowest point since. Mark Felix/AFP via Getty Images Terms. Should children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship? Do you support mandatory minimum prison sentences for people charged with drug possession? More Americans say strengthening the economy should be a top policy priority for Biden and Congress to address this year than say the same about any other issue. Create a culture that ensures employees are involved, enthusiastic and highly productive in their work and workplace. President Biden appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, making her the first Black woman to sit on the high court. Here are just some of the top political stories of 2022, in no particular rank or order: It's going to be divided federal government come the new year. Abortion rights activist Sierra Frey cries while protesting in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, after the court overturned a federal right to an abortion. President Joe Biden's job approval is steady at 40%, as is congressional approval, which is currently 22%. He also remains under the cloud of multiple investigations: his Florida home, Mar-a-Lago, was searched due to the removal of classified documents from the White House; the Trump Organization was found guilty of decades of criminal tax fraud; a special counsel is overseeing a federal investigation into the former president; and several years of his taxes were turned over to Congress and partially released Friday. They painted a picture of a then-president who inspired a mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol and did nothing to tamp down the violence for hours despite watching it all unfold and being urged to do so. Should cities be allowed to offer private companies economic incentives to relocate? Adults who do not have a four-year college degree are more likely to view several goals as top policy priorities. Should cities open drug safe havens where people who are addicted to illegal drugs can use them under the supervision of medical professionals? But there are significant differences in the importance of a number of other issues, especially addressing issues around race, dealing with the problems of poor people and addressing the criminal justice system. hide caption. President Biden appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, making her the first Black woman to sit on the high court. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, pledge to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, State of the Union 2022: How Americans view major national issues, Publics Top Priority for 2022: Strengthening the Nations Economy, A growing share of Americans say affordable housing is a major problem where they live, People in U.S., Western Europe differ over what needs more fixing: Their nations political or economic system, Majority of Americans Confident in Bidens Handling of Foreign Policy as Term Begins, What the data says about Americans views of climate change, Podcasts as a Source of News and Information, AI in Hiring and Evaluating Workers: What Americans Think, Americans confident in Zelenskyy, but have limited familiarity with some other world leaders, How Public Polling Has Changed in the 21st Century. Should it be illegal to burn the American flag? These issues are far less salient for Republicans: Democrats are on average about 33 points more likely than Republicans to rate each as a top priority. July 5,. Ten Most Significant World Events in 2022 | Council on Foreign Relations There are fears of a recession on the horizon, as inflation in 2022 hit decades-long highs. Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs? Another huge topic of discussion is book bans taking place at schools, libraries, and learning centers across the country. There are fears of a recession on the horizon, as inflation in 2022 hit decades-long highs. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Should the U.S. defend other NATO countries that maintain low military defense budgets relative to their GDP? The results were in large measure because of the intensity of opposition to the Supreme Court's conservative-majority decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and the many election-denying, Trump-backed candidates who were rejected in key swing seats and competitive Senate races. Nathan Howard/Getty Images 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment? That all had the effect of burdening Biden's approval ratings, which remained in the low-40s for much of the year. In both cases, it ranked behind the government. Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)? As in the past, Republicans and Democrats differ on the importance of most policy priorities, but the partisan gaps have widened significantly for 11 of the 18 items included in the survey including double-digit increases in partisan differences on dealing with immigration, improving the political system, improving the job situation and addressing issues within the criminal justice system. The 9 biggest political questions of 2022 - The Washington Post In addition, Republicans are more than twice as likely as Democrats to name inflation and the economy in general, while the readings among independents fall between the two partisan groups. Only 28% rate economic conditions as excellent or good. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. But strengthening the economy continues to be the public's top policy priority. Methodology for each Pew Research Center poll can be found at the links in the post. Smaller shares view seven of the 18 items included in the survey as top policy priorities than did so last year (four items increased). Politics December 13, 2022 Government Remains Americans' Top Problem in 2022 by Megan Brenan Story Highlights Average 19% in 2022 name some aspect of government as biggest problem 16%. Staff writer. Should undocumented immigrants be offered in-state tuition rates at public colleges within their residing state? Black Democrats (71%) also are almost twice as like as White Democrats (38%) to say that addressing the criminal justice system should be a top priority; 53% of Hispanic Democrats see this as a major priority. The former president remained very much on the political scene and will continue to whether leaders in his party like it or not. Veronica G. Cardenas/AFP via Getty Images Younger people are also less likely to identify this as important than older Americans. Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime? This year saw the catastrophic damage wrought by Hurricane Ian. Should the government pass laws which protect whistleblowers? By certain measures, the economy does not look good. Democrats under 50 are 17 points less likely to rate dealing with COVID-19 as a top priority (90% then, 73% now) and Democrats ages 50 to 64 are 14 points less likely to say this (99% then, 85% now). Thanks to a more favorable map that surprisingly won unanimous approval, House Democrats gained seats for the second straight election cycle. Should universities provide trigger warnings and safe spaces for students? Should gig workers such as Uber drivers be classified as employees? Republicans are more likely to rate dealing with immigration and reducing the budget deficit as top priorities than did so last year, while there has been little change in views on the importance of these issues among Democrats. Further down the list, immigration, unifying the country, COVID-19, race relations and crime each average 4% to 6% of mentions in 2022. Extreme weather events and billion-dollar disasters continue to be more common than they were decades ago. For example, adults under 30 (54%) are more likely to say global climate change should be a top priority than older age groups. Disney paid and collected a total of $1.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2022, according to company disclosures. Currently, 53% of Democrats say addressing issues around race should be a top priority, compared with 72% who said the same last year. Now, with Republicans set to take control of the House, the select committee will be disbanded and the two GOP members on the panel won't be returning to Congress. Should the US increase or decrease foreign aid spending? Should drilling be allowed in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge? One of the top issues, as it is in most federal elections, is the economy. Do you support the use of nuclear energy? This year saw the catastrophic damage wrought by Hurricane Ian. It also weighed in on gun rights, environmental regulations, immigration and more, and appears ready to take aim at race-based affirmative action with a decision coming by June. When it comes to rising U.S.-Russia tensions, an early January survey found that 26% of Americans considered the Russian military buildup near Ukraine to be a major threat to U.S. interests, while 33% said it was a minor threat to U.S. interests. Should the US assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries? In 2022, teacher strikes took place in Los Angeles, Denver, and Chicago, to name a few cities, and there could be even bigger protests to come in the future. The data show significant differences in partisans views of the nations top three problems. Should the electoral college be abolished? a political STUNT," former President Donald J. Trump wrote last week on . On most other issues, however, there are substantial partisan differences especially on dealing with global climate change and the coronavirus outbreak. Trump announced exceedingly early that he is running for president again, just a week after Republicans underperformed in the midterm elections, with many pointing the finger at Trump for why. Since 2013 -- when the government shutdown caused mentions of the government to surge -- it has been the first or second most-citedissue each year. Large majorities of Democrats say both should be top priorities (80% coronavirus, 65% climate change) compared with just 35% and 11% of Republicans, respectively. Should states be allowed to display the Confederate flag on government property? Concern about the economy hasn't . +1 202.715.3030. Copyright 2023 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Amid a surge in COVID-19 cases at the start of 2022, the disease was named as the nations top problem by 20% of U.S. adults in January and 13% in February. The publics concern about the economy comes at a time when inflation in the United States has hit a 40-year high. Half of all adults said in a July 2021 survey that a lot more needs to be done to ensure equal rights for all Americans regardless of their race or ethnicity. Here are just some of the top political stories of 2022, in no particular rank or order: Democrats do better in the midterms than expected It's going to be divided federal government come the. Should the U.S. increase tariffs on imported products from China? Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, Publics Top Priority for 2022: Strengthening the Nations Economy. Should internet service providers be allowed to speed up access to popular websites (that pay higher rates) at the expense of slowing down access to less popular websites (that pay lower rates)? To see more, visit Should the government require employees of large businesses to be vaccinated from COVID? Do you support limiting police unions collective bargaining power for cases involving misconduct? A relatively large share of U.S. adults (33%) said they were not sure how Russian actions toward Ukraine affected U.S. interests. Should the IRS create a free electronic tax filing system? WASHINGTON, D.C. -- For the seventh year in the past decade, Americans name dissatisfaction with the government as the nations top problem in 2022. Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage? Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Trust in Media. Government Remains Americans' Top Problem in 2022

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