17, V-255 MASSD Quarterly Information Events Resource Fair Vendors SY2016- Danyelle Khmara. Practices, PBIS and Code of Conduct, VI-09 VI.G.1.e Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2020-21, VI-10 VI.G.1.f Site-level Analyses Samples, VI-11 VI.G.1.c Supportive Action Plans SY2020-21, VII-02 Promising Partnership Practices page 46, VII-04 Family Resource Centers Monthly Newsletter Examples, VII-08 FRC Virtual Classes, Workshops, and Events SY2020, VII-09 Talk It Out Flyer and Summary of Services SY2020, VII-11 Guidelines for Family Community Engagement, VII-12 Family Engagement Site Contacts SY2020, VII-13 FACE Trainings and Supports for School Site Staff SY2020, VII-15 VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2020, VII-16 VII.E.1.d (2) Family Engagement Parent Survey Results SY2020, VII-17 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities.pdf, VII-18 VII.E.1.c Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2020, VII-19 VII.E.1.d Summary of Family Resource Center Services SY2020, VIII-01 Interscholastics Integrated SY2020-21 Plan, VIII-02 Extracurricular Activity Options Via Zoom, VIII-03 VIII.C.1 Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities, VIII-04 Participation by Activity at 10 Selected sites SY2020-21, VIII-05 Funding Sources for Extracurricular Activities SY2020-21, VIII-06 21st CCLC Grant Participation SY2020-21, IX-02 IX.C.1.a (1) Facilities Condition Index SY2020-21, IX-03 IX.C.1.a (2) Educational Suitability Score SY2020-21, IX-04 IX.C.1.a (3) Final TCI Report SY2020-21, IX-05 IX.C.1.b TCI Summary of Results SY2020-21, IX-06 Resource Index of Instructional Technology Teaching Materials, X-02 SY2019-20 Examination of Desegregation Expenditures, X-03 X.F.1.a-vi NARAs Submitted in SY2020-21, X-04 X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2019-2020 Annual Report, II-1 Summary of Lottery Results in Oversubscribed Schools, II-3 II.K.1.f School Magnet Plans (13) SY2019-20, II-5 Magnet SIAP Planning Guide SY2020-21, II-6 Magnet SIAP Planning Template SY2020-21, II-7 II.K.1.m (2) Magnet Marketing Report SY2019-20, II-8 Sample Recruitment Log Borton ES SY2019-20, II-10 Awards, Grants, and Recognitions SY2019-20, II-11 Magnet Theme Visibility Walkthrough Instrument, II-12 Magnet Theme Visibility Scores SY2019-20, II-14 Magnet School Improvement Walkthroughs School Integration, II-17 Express Shuttle Posters and Rack Cards, II-19 II.K.1.a TUSD Enrollment-40th day SY2019-20, II-20 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment - Attendance Status SY2019-20, II-21 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-23 II.K.1.j School Choice Applications, II-25 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, III-1 III.C.1 (1) Ridership Report by School and Grade Level, III-2 III.C.1 (2) Ridership Report by Reason and Race-Ethnicity, III-3 Ridership by Program 6-year Comparison, III-4 Activity Bus List by School SY2019-20, IV-1 Superintendent Mandated USP Position Memo, IV-3 IV.K.1.k Superintendent Focus Groups Findings, IV-4 IV.K.1.d.ii (1) Interview Panel Report, IV-5 IV.K.1.d.ii (2) Interview Panel Report Non-Compliance, IV-6 IV.K.1.e (1) List of Interview Instruments, IV-8 Site Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-9 IV.K.1.g (4) Site Administrative Teams SY2019-20, IV-11 IV.K.1.g (6) Assignment of First Year Principals, IV-12 IV.K.1.g (5) Assignment of First Year Teachers, IV-15 New Teacher and Administrator Induction Agenda, IV-16 IV.K.1.n Mentor Assignments by Ethnicity, IV-17 IV.K.1.m(2) Teacher Evaluation Explanation, IV-19 Professional Learning Communities Guide, IV-21 IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, IV-22 IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2019-20, IV-23 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2019-20, IV-24 IV.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-27 IV.K.1.e (4) Hiring Process for Superintendent Leadership Team, Executive Directors, Sr. Director, and Director SY2019-20, IV-29 IV.K.1.m (1) Administrator Evaluation, IV-30 IV.K.1.m (3) Summary Student Survey (District Mean Score), IV-31 IV.K.1.o TSP (Teacher Support Plan), IV-32 IV.K.1.d.iv Certificated District Initiated Transfers, V-1 V.G.1.b (2) Appendix F - GATE SY2019-20, V-2 V.G.1.a ALE 40th day Enrollment SY2019-20, V-3 V.G.1.c. to be more accessible for all families. USP Section IV.K(1)(m), Appendix 43 New Teacher Induction Program: Teacher and Mentor List. Filter by rating. As you review the information on our website you will discover the many different programs and services that we offer. First to Review. * No Yes PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN #1 Relationship * Father Mother Legal Guardian Foster Parent Other Last Name * First Name * Phone Number * Phone Number Type Mobile Home Work USP Section VI.G(1)(d), Appendix 75 Copies of Job Descriptions and Responsibilities of All Persons Hired to Family Engagement HR. Budget Development Process for SY2018-19 USP Budget, X-3 Email MTaylor to SMP re 2016-17 Audit Report 013018, X-5 Report on Operations and Implementation of Responsibilities, Department of Assessment and Evaluation, X-8 X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, X-10 X.F.1.a NARAs Submitted in SY2017-18, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2016-2017 Annual Report, Information Addressing Objections to the 2015-16 Special Master's Annual Report: An Annex to the Annual Report for the 20162017 Academic Year, #2050 Court Order requiring TUSD's Analysis of USP Compliance - 08.15.17, #2075 TUSD Analysis of USP Compliance Per Court Order 2050 - 10.02.17, Attachment 4: Administrators and Certificated Staff, Attachment 7: Family and Community Engagement, Attachment 10: Accountability and Transparency, ECF #2085: Mendoza plaintiffs Objection to TUSD's Analysis of compliance with the Unitary Status Plan with Exhibits 1-5 - 10.31.17, #2123 Court Order Granting TUSD Partial Unitary Status - 09.06.18, II-2 Summary of Lottery Results in Oversubscribed Schools, II-5 Exemplar Mid-Year CIP Evaluation Mansfeld, II-6 Sample First Semester Report Bonillas, II-7 Sample Site Level Annual Report Tully, II-8 II.K.1 Magnet Marketing Report 2016-2017 EOY, II-9 Sample MSC Recruitment Log Bonillas, II-11 Continuing Enrollment Campaign Events, II-12 School Level Awards, Grants, and Recognitions, II-13 Magnet Theme Visibility Walkthrough Instruction 2016.17, II-15 Magnet Applications Received for 2017.18, II-16 Progress Towards Integration Goals for 2016-17 MSPs, II-17 40th Day Magnet School Enrollment by Grade, II-18 Mansfeld and Tully Academic Data 2015-16 and 2016-17, II-20 Official Classroom Observation Form 2016-17, II-21 SI Official Next Steps Form 2016-17, II-22 School Level Walkthroughs Instructional Growth from Fall 2016 toSpring 2017, II-24 AZMerit Proficiency Rates for Magnet schools, II-25 AZMerit Achievement Gap for Magnet Non Magnet, II-26 Progress Towards Achievement Goals for 2016-17 MSPs, II-27 Magnet PLC Schedules and PD Schedules, II-29 Magnet PLC Observation Template 2016.17, II-31 II.K.1.d Marzano Magnet Evaluation Report 111116, II-32 Marzano Report on Promising Magnet Practices 093016, II-34 Transition Team Initial Meeting Sign-in Sheets, II-39 Open Enrollment-Magnet Application SY2016-17, II-40 165F18, II.K.1.h Admission Process, Regulations JFB-R4, II-43 Sample Marketing Package Bloom ES, II-46 Press Release Exemplars and Social Media Post Screenshots, II-51 Sample Screenshots from Tucson Unified Website, II-63 List of Events Supported by the Enrollment Bus, II-65 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment-Attendance Status SY1617, II-66 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-67 II.K.1.f School Magnet Plans (19) 2016-17 SY, II-68 II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (Arabic), II-69 II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (English), II-70 II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (Somali), II-71 II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (Spanish), II-72 II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (Vietnamese), II-74 II.K.1.j School Choice Applications (7 major languages), II-75 II.K.1.k Student Assignment Process, II-77 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, II-79 40th day Magnet and Transitional school enrollment by Ethnicity, III-5 Ridership by Program, 4 year Comparison, III-6 III.C.1 Ridership Report by Reason and Race-Ethnicity, III-7 Incentive Transportation Chart SY2017-18, IV-5 Hiring Focus Group Email Invite October 2016, IV-6 Hiring Focus Group Email Invite May 2017, IV-9 Practicum-Student Teaching Clearance Form, IV-15 Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Agendas, IV-16 National Center for Education Studies 2011-12, IV-20 Administrative Hiring Processes SY2016-17, IV-23 IV.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-26 IV.K.1.g Site Administrative Teams SY2016-17, IV-27 IV.K.1.g Teacher Diversity Assignments, IV-30 IV.K.1.g Assignment of First Year Principals, IV-31 IV.K.1.g Assignment of First Year Teachers, IV-32 IV.K.1.d.iv Certificated District Initiated Transfer, IV-35 IV.K.1.j Teacher Survey Comparative Data by School Level 3 yr Comparison, IV-47 B Teacher Growth Component Improvement 2017, IV-60 ILA Agendas Instructional Supervision, IV-64 LPA Participants SY2016-2017 Group 2 Final, IV-65 2016-2017 LPA Schedule and Syllabus10.26.2016, IV-66 Leadership Prep All Participant Summary w appts, IV-67 IGA Masters in Educational Leadership, IV-68 TUSD UA Ed Ldrshp Cohort III App List SY2016-17, IV-71 ILA Year-at-Glance w Objectives SY2016-17, IV-77 National Panel Information Packet 2016, IV-80 UA IGA Culturally Relevant and Multicultural Curriculum, IV-81 Culturally Responsive Professional Development Plan, IV-84 Initial List of Exemplar Culturally Responsive Teachers, IV-85 Framework and Rubric for Facilitating Professional Development SY2015-16, IV-88 TUSD Hiring Protocols and Workforce Diversity - USP, IV-94 TUSD Cohort 1 PBIS Progress Report 2.3.17, IV-95 MASSD MTSS Team Meetings Attended SY2016-17, IV-96 MASSD Student Success Specialist MTSS Trainings SY2016-17, IV-99 IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, IV-101 IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2016-17, IV-102 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2016-17, IV-103 IV.K.1.d.ii Interview Panel Report, IV-104 IV.K.1.e List of Interview Instruments, IV-105 IV.K.1.g Assignment of all Certificated Staff, IV-109 IV.K.1.m Teacher_Evaluation Explanation, IV-110 IV.K.1.m Summary Student Survey (District Mean Score), IV-111 IV.K.1.n Description of Mentor Program, IV-112 IV.K.1.n Mentor Assignments by Ethnicity, IV-114 IV.K.1.p Leadership Prep Academy rev3.10.17, V-11 V.G.1.c ALE 40th Day Enrollment ALE Supp Goals Summary All - ALE, V-32 V.G.1.c ALE Supplementary Goals Summary, V-36 IB Recruitment Efforts Cholla High School, V-45 V.G.1.g (1) UHS Admissions for 2017-18 Freshman Class, V-47 African American Scholars Dinner Invitation, V-52 Freshman Celebration English and Spanish, V-56 Parent Letter UHS 7th gr. 3. FCI Analyses 2015-16, IX-19 IX.C.1.c Facility Support Staff 2015-16, IX-20 IX.C.1.e Instructional Technology PD Training, X-5 Budget Forms, Formulas, Projections 03.02.16, X-17 FY15 Deseg Examination allocation test work email with scope, X-18 FY2014-15 Examination of Expenditures email, X-19 Examination of Desegregation Expenditures, X-23 X.F.1.a NARAs Submitted in SY 2015-16, X-24 X.A.5.a.ii Summary of Key online transactional systems and data sets, Notice of Refiling TUSD's 2014-2015 Annual Report, Amended TUSD 2014-15 Annual Report Narrative, TUSD Responses to Plaintiff and Special Master Requests for Information (RFIs) about the Annual Report, En espaol: Informe Anual Para el Ao Acadmico 2014-15, Senior Desegregation Director Job Description, 2013-14 Annual Report Appendix I-4, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Boundary Plan (CBP) 8.18.14, Principal and Magnet Coordinator Training 14-15, 2014-15 Marketing, Outreach and Recruitment Events, Magnet Applications Compare 13-14 to 14-15, 40th-Day 3-Year Progress Toward Integration, Entry Grade Enrollment by School - Past Three Years, 2015-16 School Choice Online Application Links 6.8.15, Venues for Submission of School Choice Applications 6.16.16, Summary of Lottery Results in Schools Which Could be Affected, II(K)(1)(k) Proposed Revisions to the Mojave Program for Student Assignment, School Choice Lottery Business Rules Version 6, Parent Placement Offer Notice Letters 06082015, Student Services Communication Form 14-15, Open Enrollment and Programs Media 05.12.15, New-hire Student Assignment PD Compliance, II(K)(1)(b) Neighborhood School vs. Enrolled School (40th Day 2014-15), II(K)(1)(b)Preliminary 2016 Lottery Statistics, II(K)(1)(c) Explanation of Responsibilities SA, II(K)(1)(d) Comprehensive Magnet Review Final 12.21.11, II(K)(1)(d) 2011 Magnet Study, Summary 10.8, II(K)(1)(e) Revised Comprehensive Magnet Plan 6.26.15, II(K)(1)(h) Admissions Process for Oversubscribed Schools 1.15.14, II(K)(1)(i) Translations - Comprehensive Magnet Plan, II(K)(1)(i) Translations - Transportation Brochures Tri-Fold, II(K)(1)(j) Translations - Open Enrollment Application 14-15, III(C)(1) Ridership Report by Race and Ethnicity, III(C)(1) Eligible Rider Report by School and Grade Level, Screenshots of School Choice Calculator on TUSD website, Others Considered Professional Development Academic Trainer SY 2014-15, Past Recruitment Trip Locations and Designations, Recruiter 101 Training Agenda and Presentation, Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Members, Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Agendas, Sample of Instructions to Hiring Administrator, Summary of Certificated Administrators and USP Administrator, Certificated District Initiated Transfers (DIT) SY 2014-15, First Year Principals in Racially Concentrated or D schools, Corrected Appendix IV-30 Teachers w/<1 Year Experience in Racially Concentrated and/or Schools where Students Achieving at or Below the District Average SY 2014-15, Example of Teacher Mentor/Curriculum Facilitator Agendas, Example of Curriculum Facilitator Professional Development Weekly Logs, IV(K)(1)(h) Pilot Plan for First Year Teachers at Struggling Schools, Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Continuum Dufour SY 2014-15, Pre-Authorization Form-Example SY 2014-15, Pre-Authorization and PLC Log--Example SY 2014-15, Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Training SY 2014-15, Roster of PLC Training Participants SY 2014-2015, Professional Development Presenter Rubric SY 2014-15, ILA-ILT USP Related Professional Development, TUSD Hiring Protocols and Workforce Diversity Power Point and Roster, Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) Mission Statement, Culturally Relevant and Responsive Teaching Roster, Student Equity Formal Discipline Training for Administrators Roster, Provide ADE to Curriculum Facilitators Roster, Summary Report on Instructional Leadership Academy (ILA) and Curriculum Facilitator (CF) Training, Administrator MTSS System Training Summary Report, Principal and Magnet Coordinator Training, 15-16 Danielson Revised Handout for NTIP Participant, IV(K)(1)(a) Hire or Designated USP Positions 8.24.15, IV(K)(1)(a) Ref-14 JOB0634 - Chief Human Resources Officer, IV(K)(1)(a) Ref-15 JOB25639 - Director Talent Acquisition Recruitment and Retention, IV(K)(1)(a) Ref-16 JOB16301 - Director Professional Development, IV(K)(1)(b) Labor Market Analysis revised, IV(K)(1)(c) 23F7901-Revised ORR Plan 9.10.14, IV(K)(1)(d)(i) Administrator Vacancies 8.28.15, IV(K)(1)(d)(i) Certified Job Postings MERGED 8.26.15, IV(K)(1)(d)(ii) Interview Panel Committees Admin and Cert Interviews (IV.K.1.d.ii ), IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Administrator Staff Table 8.24.15 final, IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Certificated Staff final 8.26.15 1635, IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Certificated Staff Summary Ed and Exp 8.26.15 final 1630, IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Administrator Staff SY 2014-15 final doc 8.25.15, IV(K)(1)(d)(iv) Certificated District Initiated Transfers, IV(K)(1)(e) Admin and Cert Hiring Process 7-15-14, IV(K)(1)(e) Certified Contract Cover LTR 2014-2015, IV(K)(1)(e) Confidentiality Agreement Committee, IV(K)(1)(e) Confidentiality Agreement Candidate, IV(K)(1)(e) Interview Panel Recommendations Form 2014, IV(K)(1)(e) Interview Questions Blank Template, IV(K)(1)(e) TUSD Referral List-Screening Documentation, IV(K)(1)(e) Site Interview Summary (Site Council) Blank), IV(K)(1)(f) Declined Job Offers 8.19.15 summary, IV(K)(1)(g) Hire and Assignment Evaluation, IV(K)(1)(g) Teaching Certificated Staff Summary Percentage Difference per Site to School Levels Original Percentage 9.11.15, IV(K)(1)(j) TEACHER SURVEY COMPARTIVE DATA BY GRADE LEVEL--2 year comparison, IV(K)(1)(k) Teacher Focus Group at Catalina 1.28.15, IV(K)(1)(k) Teacher Focus Group at Doolen 1.27.15, IV(K)(1)(k) Teacher Focus Group at Robins 1.26.15, IV(K)(1)(m)Administrator Evaluation and SQS Student Survey 2014-2015, IV(K)(1)(m)Teacher Evaluation, and SQS Student Survey 2014-2015, IV(K)(1)(n) New Teacher Induction Program, IV(K)(1)(n) and IV(K)(1)(o)-- Participating Teacher Mentor Report Ethnicity, IV(K)(1)(q) Workforce Diversity Training IV K 1 q, AMENDED 40th day GATE Enrollment includes 3-year data, Parent Open House Flyer-Hollinger-Spanish, Supplemental Materials for Language Acquisition, Think Tank email flyer scholarship form SY1415, GATE Professional Development Agenda-Cultural Proficiency, Excerpt from TUSD Principal Handbook re ALE, Two-Way Dual Language (TWDL) PD Agenda SY 2014-15, Classroom Coaching Observation Schedules 1, Classroom Coaching Observation Schedules 2, Log of Spanish materials sent to teachers, Two-Way Dual Language (TWDL) Brochure English Version, Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) Meeting sign in sheet, Internal Teachers Recruited for Dual Language, Spanish endorsement classes for certified teachers, List of Committee Members ExEd Standards of Practice, DPG Plan 3.13.15; Rumberger Report 12.9.14, 8th Grade Retention Monitoring for Referral to Summer Experience, Life Skills to Alternative Suspension Program (LSASP), Multicultural Materials & Books Purchase Orders, Units 1-12 Multicultural US History and Multicultural World History 1, Multicultural Classroom Observation Protocol Form, Multicultural Instructional Expectations and Curriculum Rubric, Culturally Relevant Observation Instrument, CRC Sample Unit African American Literature Unit Unit, Administrator PD Workshops CR Curriculum and CR Pedagogy, Modules 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 & 9, Checklist: Evaluation of Multicultural Literature, CRC Kindergarten Grade 5 Core Book Lists, CRC Literature: Selection and Evaluation Criteria, PD: Cultural competence and intercultural understanding in schools, Teacher Training Summer Plan, National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference Attendance List, SY 15-16 CRC teacher training Roster Summary with Dates, Student Success Specialist Job Description, Student Success Specialists PD participation 2014-15, MASS Specialists Mentor Training for November 19, 2014, Monthly student support report - October 2014, Example Monthly student support report - November 2014, Erickson MTSS team meeting agenda 3rd (2), Student Equity Online Request for Service, Student Equity Intervention Request for Services Chart, Principals notice of Intervention request for services on TUSD Intranet, Mentoring Community Organizations spreadsheet for 2014-2015, Training PowerPoint USP Parent Quarterly Informational Sessions, Agenda and Sign In for Racially Concentrated Schools Training, Racially Concentrated Schools Quarterly Parent Events, Community Resource Partnerships 2014-15 and Quarterly Event List, AASS Partnerships and Mentoring Programs 2014-15, National Tour Historical Black Colleges & Universities -- Florida Flyer 2015, MASS Collaborating Colleges and Universities List, Welcome to UofA Presidents Hispanic Community Council. Launch Preschool. USP Section II.K(1)(e), Appendix 15 Magnet School Assistance Program Grant Application. USP Section IV.K(1)(e), Appendix 35 Position Non-Acceptance Report. 4/20/2022. The number of students who I have estimated live in the TUSD area but attend charter schools or other districts is 4,000 to 5,000 students short of the actual 16,500 drop in enrollment. But in 2015, lawmakers changed the law and required schools to be funded on current-year enrollment, meaning TUSD will have to scramble to make cuts this school year to balance its current budget. Academic Intervention Teams, V -158 Student Services AASSD Fall 2015 data report, V -159 Final_AY2015.16EquityEvaluationReport, V -160 Student Success Specialist Job Description, V -161 AASS Partnerships Mentoring Programs 2015-2016, V -162 Success for Teens Facilitator Guide 2014, V -164 MASS Saturday Math Dates Flier 2015-16, V -165 MASS Saturday Math Attendance Chart, V -166 MASS After School Tutoring Schedule, V -167 MASS Before and After School Tutoring Data 2015-16, V -169 Budget Mod for Two Summer School Certified Teachers, V -172 Student EquityRequestforServices Form, V -173 2015-2016 Intervention Requests for Services For MASS, V -176 PPT Admin. Tucson Unified School District USP Section IV.K(1)(f), Appendix 38 Retention Assessments, Evaluations, and Plans. Volunteer at a School or with a Committee? Start your review today. TUSD - Arnold Launch Preschool | Arnold Launch Preschool Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF. New Submission - Torrance Unified School District Tenth St. Tucson, AZ 85719 520-225-6067 Email Desegregation Annual Reports for the Unitary Status Plan (USP) Each year, the district submits a report, documenting our efforts for the Unitary Status Plan (USP). No Yes Submit Current Student Report Card (submit for grades 1-12, if applicable) Will you be enrolling more than one child? If you reside outside of TUSD boundaries, you are required to have an approved Inter-District Permit on file prior to beginning the enrollment process. Timeline and Steps for Enrollment in Title I Preschool Programs. Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities, Appendix VIII - 3, Extracurricular Participation by Activity at Targeted School Sites, Appendix VIII - 4, Funding Sources for Extracurricular Activities SY2021-22, Appendix VIII - 5, 21st CCLC Grant Participation SY2021-22, Appendix IX - 2, IX.C.1.a (1) Facilities Condition Index SY2021-22, Appendix IX - 3, IX.C.1.a (2) Educational Suitability Score SY2021-22, Appendix IX - 4, IX.C.1.a (3) Final TCI Report SY2021-22, Appendix IX - 5, IX.C.1.b TCI Summary of Results SY2021-22, Appendix IX - 6, Resource Index of Instructional Technology Teaching Materials Screenshot, Appendix IX - 7, IX.C.1.c Facility Support Staff, Appendix X - 1, 910G Budget Development Process FY2022-23, Appendix X - 2, Examination of Expenditures, Appendix X - 3, X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, Appendix X - 4, X.A.5.a.ii Description of Changes Made to EBAS, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2020-2021 Annual Report, II-01 Summary of Lottery Results in Oversubscribed Schools 2021, II-02 II.K.1.e Comprehensive Magnet Plan (January 2021), II-03 II.K.1.f Magnet School Plans (13) SY2020-21, II-05 Student Achievement Action Plan Template, II-06 Magnet Plan Development Process 2021, II-07 II.K.1.m(2) Magnet Marketing Report SY2020-21, II-08 Magnet Enrollment Plan Template Kindergarten Outreach, II-13 II.K.1.a TUSD Enrollment 40th Day SY2020-21, II-14 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment by Attendance Status SY2020-21, II-15 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-16 II.K.1.g Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) Grant, II-17 II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (7 languages), II-18 II.K.1.j School Choice Applications, II-20 II.K.1.n Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2020-21, II-21 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, III-1 Modified Plan for On-Campus Services 8.11.2020, III-2 III.C.1 Ridership Report by School and Grade Level, IV-01 Superintendent Mandated USP Position Memo 2021, IV-02 IV.K.1.d.ii (1) Interview Panel Report, IV-03 IV.K.1.d.ii (2) Interview Panel Report Non-Compliance, IV-04 IV.K.1.e (1) List of Interview Instruments, IV-08 Site Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-09 IV.K.1.g (4) Site Administrative Teams SY2020-21, IV-10 IV.K.1.g (1) Teacher Diversity Assignments, IV-11 IV.K.1.g (7) DP Targeted Transfer Schools, IV-12 IV.K.1.g (6) Assignment of First Year Principals, IV-13 IV.K.1.g (8) Beginning Teacher Inventory, IV-14 IV.K.1.n (1) New Teacher Induction Program, IV-15 IV.K.1.n (2) Mentor Assignments by Ethnicity, IV-16 IV.K.1.m (2) Teacher Evaluation Explanation, IV-19 IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, IV-20 IV.K.1.b Compensation and Classification Study Progress Report, IV-21 IV.K.1.d.i (1)Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2020-21, IV-22 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2020-21, IV-23 V.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-24 IV.K.1.d.iv Certificated District Initiated Transfers, IV-25 IV.K.1.e (2) Hiring Process Principals, IV-26 IV.K.1.e (3) Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, IV-27 IV.K.1.e (4) Hiring Process Superintendent Leadership Team, IV-28 IV.K.1.g (3) Assignment of Certificated Staff, IV-29 IV.K.1.g (5) Assignment of First Year Teachers, IV-30 IV.K.1.h First-Year Teacher Plan SY2020-21, IV-31 IV.K.1.m (1) Administrator Evaluation, IV-32 IV.K.1.m (4) Teacher Principal Evaluation Changes, IV-33 IV.K.1.m (3) Summary Student Survey, V-02 V.G.1.c ALE Supplementary Goals Summary, V-03 Self-Contained Students and Placement Status SY2020-21, V-04 GATE Outreach Events Calendar SY2020-21, V-05 GATE Testing and Qualified Students SY2020-21, V-06 GATE Professional Development Training SY2020-21, V-07 V.g.1.j Certificated Staff with ALE Credentials, V-09 AVID Professional Development SY2020-21, V-10 AVID Site Coordinator Monthly Meetings SY2020-21, V-11 V.G.1.g. TUSD officials: district achieving "a significant reduction in TUSD shifted enrollments beginning with the 2022-2023 school year online. These TUSD high schools see sharpest drop, rise in graduation rates Certificated Staff with Certifications in Advanced Learning areas, V -24 V.G.1. Welcome to TUSD Enrollment! | Enrollment In my last post, I put up a chart, which I also included here, showing the decline in enrollment numbers at TUSD from 2000 to the present. The district has a detailedtable of daily enrollment for those years separated out by grade . Students requesting an intra-district transfer must request an application from their school of residence (neighborhood school). . 3. MAY. Aeries Parent/Student Portal Registration Guide Informe Anual del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tucson Para el Ciclo Acadmico 2021-2022, Appendix II-1 - II.K.1.e Comprehensive Magnet Plan (Reformatted 2022), Appendix II-2 - II.K.1.f Magnet Plans (12) SY2021-22, Appendix II-3 - II.K.1.m Outreach, Marketing, and Recruitment (OMR) Plan SY21-22, Appendix II-4 - Magnet School Integration 2021-22, Appendix II-5 - Magnet School AASA Data Spring 2022, Appendix II-6 - II.K.1.a TUSD Enrollment - 40th-Day SY2021-22, Appendix II-7 - II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment-Attendance Status SY2021-22, Appendix II-8 - II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, Appendix II-9 - II.K.1.i Catalog of Schools (7 major languages), Appendix II-10 - II.K.1.j School Choice Applications, Appendix II-11 - II.K.1.l Student Transfers SY2021-22, Appendix II-12 - II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, Appendix III - 2, NAPT School Bus Driver Shortage Survey, Appendix III - 3, III.C.1 Ridership Reports SY2021-22, Appendix III - 4, Activity Bus List by School SY2021-22, Appendix IV-1 - Superintendent Mandated USP Position Memo 2022, Appendix IV-2 - IV.K.1.d.ii Interview Panel Report, Appendix IV-3 - IV.K.1.f Declined Job Offers, Appendix IV-4 - Certificated Attrition SY2021-22, Appendix IV-5 - IV.K.1.j SQS Staff Survey, Appendix IV-6 - Site Certificated Staff and Administrators, Appendix IV-7 - IV.K.1.g (3) Site Administrative Teams SY2021-22, Appendix IV-8 - IV.K.1.g (1) Teacher Diversity Assignments, Appendix IV-9 - IV.K.1.g (6) DP Targeted Transfer Schools, Appendix IV-10 - IV.K.1.g (5) Assignment of First-Year Principals, Appendix IV-11 - IV.K.1.g (7) Beginning Teacher Inventory SY2021-22, Appendix IV-12 - IV.K.1.n (1) New Teacher Induction Program, Appendix IV-13 - IV.K.1.n (2) Mentor Assignments by Ethnicity, Appendix IV-14 - IV.K.1.m (1) Principal Evaluation Model 2021-22, Appendix IV-15 - IV.K.1.m (2) Teacher Evaluation Model 2021-22, Appendix IV-16 - IV.K.1.c Recruitment Activities, Appendix IV-17 - IV.K.1.p Leadership Prep Academy, Appendix IV-18 - Job Embedded Professional Learning 2021-2022, Appendix IV-19 - IV.K.1.q Master USP PD Report SY21-22 (1), Appendix IV-21 - IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, Appendix IV-22 - IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2021-22, Appendix IV-23 - IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2021-22, Appendix IV-24 - IV.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, Appendix IV-25 - IV.K.1.d.iv Certificated District Initiated Transfers, Appendix IV-26 - IV.K.1.e (1) List of Interview Instruments, Appendix IV-27 - IV.K.1.e (2) Administrator Hiring Process rev 2022, Appendix IV-28 - IV.K.1.g (2) Assignment of Certificated Staff, Appendix IV-29 - IV.K.1.g (4) Assignment of First-Year Teachers, Appendix IV-30 - IV.K.1.h First-Year Teacher Plan, Appendix IV-31 - IV.K.1.m (3) Summary Student Survey (District Mean Score), Appendix V-1 - V.G.1.a ALE 40th-day Enrollment SY2021-22, Appendix V-2 - V.G.1.c ALE Supplementary Goals Summary SY2021-22, Appendix V-3 - EL Participation in GATE Programs, Appendix V-4 - Self-Contained Students and Placement Status SY2021-22, Appendix V-5 - GATE Outreach Events Calendar SY2021-22, Appendix V-6 - GATE Testing and Qualified Students SY2021-22, Appendix V-7 - GATE Professional Development SY2021-22, Appendix V-8 - V.G.1.j Certificated Staff with ALE Credentials, Appendix V-10 - AVID Professional Development SY2021-2022, Appendix V-11 - AVID Site Coordinator Meetings SY2021-22, Appendix V-12 - V.G.1.g UHS Admissions SY2021-22 Freshman Class, Appendix V-15 - GLAD Fall Training Sessions, Appendix V-16 - TUSD Two-Way Dual Language Advisory Committee-2021-22, Appendix V-17 - TWDL Make the Move Brochure 2021-22, Appendix V-18 - Ex Ed Referrals and Qualifications SY2021-22, Appendix V-19 - V.G.1.u Students Receiving Ex Ed Services SY 2021-22, Appendix V-20 - DPG Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring, Appendix V-21 - Dropout Prevention Activities SY2021-22, Appendix V-22 - Support Strategies for English Learners SY2021-22, Appendix V-31 - Multicultural Curriculum Website Page, Appendix V-32 - K-5 Syrian, DRC, and Somali Story Box, Appendix V-33 - Science Anchor Instruction and Professional Development, Appendix V-34 - Integrating Mathematics of Worldwide Cultures into Math Instruction, Appendix V-35 - Embracing Diversity and Equity - Critical Theory, Pedagogy and Multicultural Literature Attendance Sheet, Appendix V-36 - Multicultural Literacy and Cultural Events, Appendix V-37 - Love of Reading Month School 2022, Appendix V-38 - Refugee - Unpacking the Identity of Newcomers Flyer, Appendix V-41 - V.G.1.s (1) AASSD Quarterly Parent Events SY2021-22, Appendix V-45 - V.G.1.q Academic Intervention Process, Appendix V-46 - V.G.1.r AASSD-MASSD Academic Intervention Teams, Appendix V-49 - MASSD College Tours SY2021-22, Appendix V-50 - V.G.1.s (2) MASSD Quarterly Parent Events SY2021-22, Appendix V-51 - MASSD Student Recognition Summary SY2021-22, Appendix V-52 - MASSD Mentoring Collaborations SY 2021-22 (1), Appendix V-53 - MASSD Site Online Requests for Services SY2021-22, Appendix V-54 - Configuration Form SY2021-22, Appendix V-55 - Compliance Procedures Presentation, Appendix V-56 - TUSD Language Programs ILA Presentation September 2021, Appendix V-57 - V.G.1.b (1) Appendix E - AAC SY2021-22, Appendix V-58 - V.G.1.b (2) Appendix F - GATE SY2021-22, Appendix V-59 - V.g.1.b (3) Appendix G - UHS SY2021-22, Appendix V-60 - V.G.1.d Policy and Procedure Amendments SY2021-22, Appendix V-61 - V.G.1.e Explanation of Responsibilities, Appendix V-62 - V.G.1.l Dual-Language Services by School and Grade, Appendix V-63 - V.G.1.m (1) AASSD Outreach, Appendix V-64 - V.G.1.m (2) MASSD Outreach, Appendix V-65 - V.G.1.m (3) DL Outreach SY21-22, Appendix VI - 10, VI.G.1.f Site-level Analyses Samples, Appendix VI - 2, Social Emotional Learning PPT, Appendix VI - 3, Shifting the Paradigm - Restorative Practices, Appendix VI - 4, VI.G.1.d (1) Student Code of Conduct SY2021-22, Appendix VI - 5, IV.K.1.q Master USP PD Report SY21-22, Appendix VI - 6, VI.G.1.a Appeals to Hearing Officers and Governing Board, Appendix VI - 7, VI.G.1.b Discipline Data SY2021-22, Appendix VI - 8, VI.G.1.d (2) What Works Sharepoint, Appendix VI - 9, VI.G.1.e Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 1, Family and Community Engagement Action Plan (2391-1), Appendix VII - 2, FACE Community Partners SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 3, Grant Award Letter SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 5, NNPS E-Brief Newsletter SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 6, Promising Partnership Practices SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 7, FRC Monthly Newsletter SY2021-22 (English and Spanish Examples), Appendix VII - 8, Example FRC Flyers SY2021-22 (English and Spanish), Appendix VII - 9, FRC Virtual Classes, Workshops, and Events SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 10, Talk It Out Flyer and Summary of Services SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 11, VII.E.1.d (1) Summary of FRC Services SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 12, Guidelines for Family and Community Engagement for School Sites SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 13, Family Engagement Site Contacts SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 14, FACE Trainings and Supports for School Site Staff SY2021, Appendix VII - 15, School Website Audits SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 16, VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 17, VII.E.1.d (2) Family Engagement Parent Survey Results SY2021-22, Appendix VII - 19, VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, Appendix VII - 20, VII.E.1.c Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2021-22, Appendix VIII - 1, Principal Review Process, Appendix VIII - 2, VIII.C.1.

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