They'll come out eventually. A solid bunch of material in a tampon simply does not pack well. Overall, the future looks relatively bright, as long as the tampon can adjust to our higher standards about health, safety, and greenery. The Papyrus Ebers, the world's oldest printed medical document, describes the use of papyrus tampons by Egyptian women as early as the 15th century BCE Olaes Modular Bandage has additional bulk gauze inside it. Bottom: four-inch wide Israeli bandage. When we talk about damage caused by a bullet, there are two main types permanent and temporary cavitation. Matter of fact I see many post not only spreading this myth but promoting it by showing tampons for bullet wounds. Gunshot Wounds: More Than Just Plugging Holes - USA Carry Pessaries made of elephant or crocodile dung, or of lint soaked in acacia juice, were both used as contraception devices over the history of ancient Egypt, and the Romans got in on the act too, with so-called "destructive pessaries". There are other methods of packing a wound: all of them are similar in effect. Some scholars believe that the name didn't come from its use as a bandage material for wounds in battle, but from its use as a menstrual material, possibly in tampon form, among medieval women. The shelf life of organic tampons is also believed to be about five years, because cotton is susceptible to bacteria and mold. This wicking away property works against the goal of tightly packing gauze inside the wound, creating pressure, restricting the blood coming out, and hopefully allow the clotting factors in the blood to activate and form in the wound. Later, Gertrude Tendrich produced the first commercial tampon brand . Amputation Doctors began sawing off limbs to prevent the spread of infection. But there are times that a tampon might be helpfulnot with an arterial bleed but maybe the entrance wound or not a hollow-point or assault style weapon wound in the core of the body. In the 1920s, nurses sometimes made tampons out of cotton and gauze in medical settings. You shouldn't put a tampon in a stab wound - Full Fact Cache was mentored in survival by a Delta Force Lt Col and a physician in the US Nuclear Program and in business by Stephen R. Covey. You didnt even read the article about how plugging a tampon doesnt even make sense nor helps to stop the bleeding from a gunshot. German gynecologist Dr Judith Esser-Mittag, scented tampons were actually completely useless, many of them have a big environmental footprint, woman-leaping-in-white-trousers theme of tampon ads. Tampons soak up menstrual blood, but they may also block some menstrual flow from the vagina, which could extend the duration of bleeding. Wisconsin Historical Society, WHS-49898. 4th they come in various sizes and are often to small for the wound. The other type of tampon, the no-applicator kind, was invented by the German gynecologist Dr Judith Esser-Mittag, which is the reason they tend to be referred to in the literature as "o.b. TSS is typically caused by an overgrowth of bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus. Three balls in total will be packed in this manner. I seen them drag him out and plug it right there. They come on a stick that seems like it should fit into a bullet wound track, so why wouldn't it be effective in a gun shot wound for hemorrhage control. r/todayilearned Join 5 days ago Get exclusive premium content! That was the extent of the IFAK for WWII and Korea. As nobody's ever written about moss tampons, though, this remains just a theory. While I would have cause for pause, in a situation where someone is about to DIE from massive bleeding. Bear with me here. Your email address will not be published. Getting as much medical info to the paramedics would also hasten medical response. If women are on oral contraceptive agents (the pill) their periods often shorten and lighten. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. The simple why not [from 2 of my doctor friends (one of whom is an avid shooter)]. Your best bet is to choose a lightweight bra without underwire. Sources: Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Compression, elevation, pressure points, and even tourniquets if necessary. Tampons have come a long way since their ancient beginnings. Learned its many uses a hundred years ago when I was boxing. Know the signs of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and how to reduce your risk. If the stone (bullet) enters the water slowly, the water (tissue) displacement is so gradual that is has little effect on the surrounding molecules. In order to stop arterial bleeding and copious capillary bleeding along the woundTrack, you have to pack agressively. He lost me when you said they werent sterile. But for the record blood-letting was a good idea back in the day too. Packing wounds in the field just introduces more contamination into the wound, which creates infection, but that is why they make antibiotics.. saving lives sometimes is a compromise between best practices and absolute desperation. In an odd way, with tampons being employed as emergency wound dressings in the field in Iraq, these products have come full circle. The tampon has been in use as a medical device since the 18th century, when antiseptic cotton tampons treated with salicylates were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. As we have in the field started packing wounds in recent years (this is a carry over from combat medics, yes I know its been standard for years in the military, but not so for most US based field medicine). Thanks for the article. Ok just my two cents. Of course having a cool guy A-Bag full of Gucci medical gear is preferred but might not always be available. There are a lot of discussions currently being had about the green future of tampons: many of them have a big environmental footprint, filling landfills, washing up on beaches, and proving very hard to biodegrade. Thanks Even ER doctors misdiagnose tension pneumothorax about 30% of the time, so if your medical training consists of a few basic certifications like first aid, WFR, WEMT, and maybe a couple of tactical trauma classes, you could end up doing more harm than good with a chest dart or performing a cricothyrotomy. TIL tampons were originally made to plug bullet wounds. Tampon was marketed as a "smarter" alternative to applicator tampons by emphasizing greater comfort and doing away with the need for an applicator. Photo: author. I understand your comment about medicine in the civilian vs combat environment, however, both environments have the same objective which is to keep people alive. The expiration date on the package is the date in which the company can no longer guarantee a sterile product. She believes that female care package was sent to Marine X to save our Marine. A Brief History of Tampons and How They Were Used to Treat Bullet Wounds Tampons have been around for centuries and were originally used for healing. Tampons make the non-life threatening loss of built-up blood a little easier to deal with, and thats all. All youd need is a large and heavy bullet traveling slow enough, and it would poke a hole. Ask ANY Army OR Navy combat medic ABOUT the critical importance of the Golden Hour?)!! Just a question in regard to female injury vaginal the blood is usually in this example will say do to impact or tearing higher ratio of actual blood Still victims are encouraged to use pads to absorb the blood is it because its an internal injury and would there be a better comparison possible with use of tampons and pads in tactical injury. You need to stay hydrated to avoid heat illness, bladder infections and kidney stones. Predating the e-mail's appearance, an April 2003 news story about odd uses soldiers stationed in Iraq were finding for non-military items said, "In the 4th Infantry Division from Fort Hood, Texas, many soldiers carry tampons to plug bullet holes in case they are shot." They have evolved from being used for feminine hygiene to being used as a medical tool to treat gunshot wounds. It was a contraceptive device, a way of distributing medicine, a method of healing, and often not thought to have anything to do with menses at all. It was issued to every Marine as part of his 782 gear. That's what tampons were developed for, believe it or not. Hi Barry. Changing . It was a tight fit and the guy probably should have did more than just grunt and grit his teeth if he wasnt so out of breath. He said that one guy, we'll call Marine X did get a girl care package and everyone was giving him a hard time. That changed in 1929, when Denver-based physician Dr. Earle Hass patented a design for the first modern day tampon. When using a wound packing simulator from QuikClot; it is obvious that a tampon doesn't come close to filling a ballistic wound cavity. Using a tampon and stuffing gauze in the wound, to me, is exactly the same less the more sterilized gauze (preferable, but tampons are lightweight, take up less space, and the application for insertion to the wound is much easier). But even with proper treatment, a wound infection may occur. If it did stop bleeding women wouldnt bleed for a week. The idea of using tampons to treat gunshot wounds was controversial at first. Only it wasnt just the king. You have nothing in your bus that can tamponade a gunshot as quickly as a tampon unless you are using quikclot or similar product. the English thinker Francis Place advocated a tampon for contraception, a woman, Gertrude Tendrich, who bought the patent and started to produce it. Women picked up on the idea for their needs. We teach the science, the anatomy and the what, when and how to treat not only GSW, but bleeds from any mechanism of action. He told me not to worry about Marine X because every time I send something to him, Marine X thinks it's for him too. He said he wasn't sure who we were sending the pack to, but the panties were size 20, and he said one of the guys got on top of the Humvee and jumped off with the panties over his head and yelled, "Look at me, I'm an Airborne Ranger!!!!". Unfortunately, while the idea of a lint-covered stick appears to be nonsense, other medical tracts are a bit more explicit in their ideas about what to put up females' intimate bits. Did a man or woman invent tampons? - TimesMojo I had a double shooting at my Grocery store While it would have taken about 2-3 min response time for help they could have bled out. Cellucotton, the substance used in Kotex (sanitary napkins), was devised for the purpose of improving bandages in World War I. I can't tell you how many guys, with a straight face, will tell me that a tampon will plug a bullet hole. SURVIVOPEDIA helps people regain their peace of mind by becoming more self-reliant and self sufficient in all aspects of life: from putting food on the table, to keeping your loved one safe, and staying in good health. The biggest issue with that is the limited sites that it can be used in. The pads created in that time led to Kotex pads in 1920, when wealthy white women bought them in department stores and bribed the cashiers to make sure they held their tongues. So, why shouldnt they work? (Yes, first aid is good, but its called first aid for a reason). Press the artery to the bone to stop the bleed. I really enjoy your writings, and have learned alot. The location where the bullet goes in to the body will cause an entrance wound and depending on whether the bullet leaves the body, theremayalso be an exit wound. This is like people that found out crayons can be improvised as candles, then went out and bought crayons. My son said, "Mom, the tampons sent by the Marine Moms by mistake saved a Marine's life." Antiseptic cotton rolls were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. If you are interested in becoming a member to Personal Defense Network, please click on the special offer below: Because thats a different situation where tampons are useful for me . This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. We greatly appreciate your business! While the use of tampons is not the ideal solution and there are some better alternatives out there, given the necessity of the nature of puncture wounds, gsws, even large gashes, anything is better than nothing. Theres no guarantee the tampon []. Click Registration to join us and share your expertise with our readers.). 18th century: The tampon was used as a medical device. I bet some of you must be thinking, "I have inflicted, seen, and/or treated numerous gunshot wounds, and there is no way I could have plugged any of them with a tampon!". How long does it take for gun wounds to heal? 9g of blood, stop an arterial bleed, capable of pumping out 1000 mLs in just over 3 minutes, Thanks, rachelinnys. My son said they had the most fun with Marine X's package. I have limited knowledge of wound management but, I know that is important to stop bleeding. Having been through TCCC, and responded to 5 real world mass casualty situations, from my experience they work and should be considered as an option. IsItBullshit: Tampons were originally made to plug bullet wounds - Reddit Not all BY THEMSELVES! There were a lot of grunts that carried them, as well a feminine napkins (Which covered larger wounds than the issued combat bandage could.). As a registered nurse who has done extensive wound care. In WWII, that was the battlefield antibiotic of choice. One gunshot wound that I treated presented a small entry wound, some internal injuries (which were unknown to me at the time), swelling, extreme sensitivity to even the slightest touch, no exit wound, and minimal bleeding. I seen them used a couple times on my second tour to Iraq in 2004. A gsw is already a dirty wound and unless you are masked up and donning sterile gloves while using sterile technique you are still introducing bacteria into the wound. i mai interesante suntcomentariile cu privire la acest subiect. Nor are these menstrual fluids needed to sustain life to other organs of the human body, for example the brain. These arent going to break anyones bank account. sigmund freud is probably having a siezure in his grave over this tread! Thank you for dispelling that myth. Great question! The absorbent wads were more commonly used to soak up blood from wounds in World War One, or to administer medicine vaginally. Also, tampons absorb blood. A search of peer-reviewed medical literature will fail to provide you with any data whatsoever on tampon use. Tampon - No a tampon or a small pad is not the greatest thing for preventing an infection long-term.Im now retired from the medical field. For ages, people have said that Hippocrates, the most famous Greek doctor of all, talked about tampons made of lint wrapped around sticks. Because you wont have a fully staffed OR. Tampons are not designed to stop bleeding, but rather simply absorb it. Yes, doctors literally "plugged the hole" by inserting a dressing that resembled a tampon into musket wounds. Army, Navy, Air Force, and every one! Other innovations related to comfort and ease of use are saturation indicators (so women know when to change), differently-shaped tampons to prevent leaks, reusable applicators to help the environment, biodegradable tampons (also to reduce environmental footprint), and so forth. So sick of men articles on this subject. if I had time I would have grabbed off the shelf diagnostics like BP meters do to it being a shooting chances are the Ambo would be in a staging area till the cops could clear the scene. Photo: author. Were Tampons Invented For Bullet Wounds? - There are plenty of internet experts and sadly, First Aid instructors in NZ who still tell people to carry a tampon in their pack in case of an accidental gun-shot wound. I bet some of you must be thinking, I have inflicted, seen, and/or treated numerous gunshot wounds, and there is no way I could have plugged any of them with a tampon! Bear with me here. There are many factors which impacts the path of a bullet, and the amount of trauma from a GSW. You would be better off just taking off your shirt or Tshirt and using it. Just as sterile if not more so than those gauze pads and other medical stuff. Youll do just about anything to help stop bleeding from a potential stray bullet wound! 0.543 secs. I also wouldnt use one to filter debris out of water. For them and for others, virginity loss may refer to their first time with oral sex, anal sex, or sex using fingers or toys. Why would the bandages you discussed have an expiration date? Who invented menstrual pads? The use of tampons in treating gunshot wounds has also helped to reduce the cost of medical supplies, which has saved the military millions of dollars. This fluid is not pressurized like arterial blood is throughout the body. The simplest way to do that is usually to apply trauma dressing followed by direct pressure. The are setrile. They also had a huge range of pessaries on offer for various gynecological problems, soaked in everything from goose fat to opium, but it's now commonly believed that they were a second line of defense, because they probably caused infections. Sleeping in a bra will not make a girls breasts perkier or prevent them from getting saggy. Ancient Japan: Paper Tampons (Maybe) One of the first civilizations to use tampons for apparent menstrual reasons may have been the Japanese. The whole idea of the article is really more aimed at the fact that they are NOT ideal, and you should plan AHEAD and have legit pressure dressings available on purpose for emergencies, rather than assuming a tampon will be just fine and not preparing in advance. Symptoms and signs of TSS may include a sudden fever (usually 102F or more), vomiting, diarrhea, fainting or feeling like you are going to faint when standing up, dizziness, or a rash that looks like a sunburn. Este interesant. 'Blood from bullet wounds inflicted by guns in school shootings is the blood of death.' .

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