The most appealing aspect is authenticity. But westernization did not cause all positive changes with regard to the Japanese diet. Peters reforms set him apart from the tsars that preceded him. A symbolic example would be the use of songs and dances as a way to voice out for independence. A period of decolonization began. Heroes are heroes and villains are villains. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It is up for debate as to whether or not these two aspects balance each other out. More importantly, Peter created a state that further legitimized and strengthened authoritarian rule in Russia. [31], The main characteristics are economic and political (free trade) democratisation, combined with the spread of an individualised culture. But westernization has a hidden negative side that people may not realize or overlook. The overall process of Westernization is often two-sided in that Western influences and interests themselves are joined with parts of the affected society, at minimum, to become a more Westernized society, with the putative goal of attaining a Western life or some aspects of it, while Western societies are themselves affected by this process and interaction with non-Western groups. The "West" was originally defined as the Western world. Westernization: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE All songs were controlled by the government. Westernization can, to a large extent, be attributed to colonialism, imperialism, fascism and other vicious systems of oppression and annihilation. The impact or consequences of Westernization are evident in culture, language, ethnicity, religion , the economy , architecture, literature, politics, customs and values . [28] Though Western concepts may have initially played a role in creating this cultural shift in Taiwan, the market and desire for bridal photography has not continued without adjustments and social modifications to this Western notion. The western culture had not only permeated the culture of fashion and language, but also food, economics, and music. First, westernization can be viewed from the perspective of the non-western nations. She was now able to buy unnecessary goods such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and french fries, the staple of an American diet. The departments were housed in Saint Petersburg. Many opponents of westernization believe that by allowing it, countries lose their traditions and values. Summary of S.1325 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): A bill to establish a partnership with nations in the Western Hemisphere to promote economic competitiveness, democratic governance, and security, and for other purposes. Other examples of the Westernization of peoples and cultures can be observed in the way we even speak about our own cultures. They can develop economic, and military power and cooperate with other non-Western countries against the West while still preserving their own values and institutions. By the time Peter the Great became tsar, Russia was the largest country in the world, stretching from the Baltic Seato the Pacific Ocean. Examples of cultures include western culture, youth culture, counterculture, and high culture. For example: China excluding Taiwan after 1949, Cuba after the Revolution in 1959, South Vietnam after the communist takeover in 1975, Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion, and Iran after the 1979 revolution. Western Culture - 10 Examples, Characteristics & Values Being globalized means taking positive aspects of the world, but globalization also brings the debate about being Westernized. While doing research for my thesis, I was roaming through some universities websites to look at the type of Diversity and Inclusion initiatives they have in place. Evidence suggests that Peters advisers recommended the abolition of serfdom and the creation of a form of limited freedom, but the gap between slaves and serfs shrank considerably under Peter. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Acculturation is "the process of cultural and psychological change that takes place as a result of contact between cultural groups and their individual members. Mohanty, Chandra. According to Eric Fish who is a writer at Asia Society, Hollywood themes of spontaneity, nonconformity, and self-realization particularly resonated with young Chinese fans of American TV (Fish). [25], Huntington believed that while the age of ideology had ended, the world had only reverted to a normal state of affairs characterized by cultural conflict. Before, people were not allowed to visit China from other countries. Before westernization, my mother listened to traditional Chinese songs such as the national anthem, and the variety was very little. In contrast to territorial delineation, others, like the American political scientist Samuel P. Huntington (see The Clash of Civilizations), consider what is "Western" based on religious affiliation, such as deeming the majority-Western Christian part of Europe and North America the West, and creating 6 other civilizations, including Latin America, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu and Slavic-Orthodox, to organize the rest of the globe. Members of each of these cultures usually share values, pastimes, and languages. During the 1950-1960s, Japan adopted more and more western customs and ideas, such as the first supermarket, which opened in 1963, the introduction of propane, and the use of electricity and gas. This can be observed with the the way Muslim people are treated across Europe and the US, for example. Non-Western countries can attempt to achieve isolation to preserve their own values and protect themselves from Western invasion. While it is very useful to have a language that connects people across the world, English would not be so in-demand if the British were not such a colonizing power. According to Kate Williams, Chinas FDI (foreign direct investment) in September 2013 rose 8.8 billion dollars (Williams). Westernization as a whole has both positive and negative aspects. Legislation under Peter's rule covered every aspect of life in Russia, and his reform contributed greatly to Russia's military successes and the increase in revenue and productivity. The Dynamics of Westernization in the Middle East - JSTOR Similarity with David E. Twiggs's uniform. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. This theory proposes that Western thought has led to globalisation, and that globalisation propagates Western culture, leading to a cycle of Westernization. But unlike the mixed opinions that China harbors, South Korea expresses a different attitude towards westernization. The question that westernization raises is whether countries should embrace it or shun it. Many countries had Western types of government and military practices imposed on them. While their clout had declined since the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Boyar Duma, an advisory council to the tsar, still wielded considerable political power. By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. In Orientalism Edward Said views Westernization as it occurred in the process of colonization, an exercise of essentializing a "subject race" in order to more effectively dominate them. Peters government was constantly in dire need of money, and at first it responded by monopolizing certain strategic industries, such as salt, vodka, oak, and tar. It argues that a better conceptualization of the philosophy behind globalization which encompasses all other forms of interpretation is universalization. This is an example of indirect Americanization. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Imported wool began to be used for coats and shawls but these were generally worn over the kimono and were expensive and therefore limited to the prosperous few. According to Jessica Oak and Park Young Woong, Their combination of Western and Eastern sounds have all helped K-pop stand out among other genres (Oak and Woong). A thousand years later, the East-West Schism separated the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church from each other. They feel as if these third world women are oppressed and are forced to wear clothing that covers them. In addition to the change in dress, westernization also impacted Japans education system. Peter the Great & the Westernization of Russia: Facts & History Those new states often adopted some aspects of Western politics such as a constitution, while frequently reacting against Western culture. So, it [] As a country we should focus less on trying to save people from themselves. The Empire took some innovations from the West. Although Chinese people may be uncertain or divided about westernization, numbers do not lie. 2023. : conversion to or adoption of western traditions or techniques Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web All those shows are remarkably eclectic, telling stories depicting Brothers Grimm fairy tales, cannibalism in Victorian London, the westernization of 19th-century Japan and a Hollywood songwriter's fractured friendships. Heavily influenced by his advisers from Western Europe, he reorganized the Russian army along modern lines and dreamed of making Russia a maritime power. This was just the beginning for her, as she later chose to immigrate to America, which was allowed by China because of the westernization that took place during the time. Peter the Greatintroduced the system in 1722 while engaged in a struggle with the existing hereditary nobility, or boyars. All its members were appointed by the tsar from among his own associates, and it originally consisted of ten people. Throughout my life, I have come to recognize both the distinctions that set the two cultures apart as well as the crossroads at which the two cultures cross. All of this, is consequently also amplified through the lens of globalization, and the digitalization and expansion of communication. But the real question is whether this symbolizes a loss or deviation away from the native Korean culture. In this blog post, I want to first have a look at what Westernization entails; secondly, dive into how the language we use mirrors processes of Westernization when we speak about people, cultures, and simply use language; and finally try to create understanding of the big-picture-issues surrounding processes of Westernization. Professional Writers that Guarantee an On-time Delivery. Said references Arthur Balfour, the British Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905, who regarded the rise of nationalism in Egypt in the late 19th century as counterproductive to a "benevolent" system of occupational rule. The book Spring Moon by Bette Bao Lord offers a rigorous explanation of this kind of lifestyle through the [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. As mentioned, we were under Ottoman rule for 500 years until 1878. Much of Russias expansion had taken place in the 17th century, culminating in the first Russian settlement of the Pacific in the mid-17th century, the reconquest of Kiev, and the pacification of the Siberian tribes. Url:, Seeing Muslim Women with Western Eyes. The Feminist Wire. How Does Westernization Have an Impact on the Indian Culture? What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Westernization on India and Its Culture?N.p., n.d. SANSKRITIZATION - A LEADING PATH TO WESTERNIZATION The first time I experienced a cultural crossroads was when I went to China. As a result of this increased amount of western investment in China, Chinas economy has prospered, as it has played an important role in Chinas economic development and export success. We might find ourselves in a situation where we dont know how to describe a certain significant person of our nation or culture, and resort to using references such as. What does all of this information mean for the United States and other western cultures? (Seeing Muslim Women) However, the majority of the time this ideal could not be farther from the truth. This article was most recently revised and updated by, It had greatly changed the educational system in Japan by creating a new system for compulsory schooling in 1871 (Western Effects on Japanese Culture During the Meiji Period). In stores, western music was being played by well-known artists such as Taylor Swift. Due to colonization and immigration, the formerly prevalent languages in the Americas, Oceania, and part of South Africa, are now usually Indo-European languages or creoles based on them: Many indigenous languages are on the verge of becoming extinct. Eating burgers and having fireworks for the 4th of July. A manuscript copy of the 1722 Table of Ranks. The measure of the closely related concept of westernization will use the same methodology with a different set of variables. A handful of Peters reforms reflected a limited understanding of certain Enlightenment ideals. One of Peters most audaciousgoals was reducing the influence of theboyars, or the feudal elite class. How East and West think in profoundly different ways - BBC The FDI of a country measures how much foreign investment is put into another country. Other examples include how countries typically opt for a cultural assimilation model, in which minority and underrepresented foreigners, expats, refugees, and immigrants are forced to. Prior to Peters rule, Russias administrative system was relatively antiquated compared to that of many Western European nations. Secondly, primary westernization refers to the process of general diffusion of western cultural traits. In contrast, despite many advances in industrial efficiency, Japan has sustained a culture of strict social hierarchy and limited individualization. Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of unity. The insight by Edelman, R., & Wilson, W. (2017) explains This new system of thought and practices imbued with positive values in the exertion and strategic deployment of the human body, embracing the Anglo-American notion that physical activity was meaningful in and of itself, conducive to values such as learning and character-building. In his effort to modernize Russia, the largest state in the world, but one that was economically and socially lagging, Peter introduced autocracyand played a major role in introducing his country to the European state system. Western Culture Examples Lesson Summary Activities FAQs Modern Western Culture Activities Writing Prompt 1: You read that Western culture is individualistic, whereas Eastern culture is. The new provinces were modeled on the Swedish system, in which larger, more politically important areas received more political autonomy, while smaller, more rural areas were controlled more directly by the state. While many Americans believe they are imposing basic human rights on to people, other countries opinions on what is right and wrong often differ from our own. Westernization (or Westernisation), also Europeanisation or occidentalization (from the Occident), is a process whereby societies come under or adopt Western culture in areas such as industry, technology, science, education, politics, economics, lifestyle, law, norms, mores, customs, traditions, values, mentality, perceptions, diet, clothing, language, writing system, religion, and philosophy. My mother witnessed this change first hand, as she lived in the capital city Beijing, which harbored many tourist attractions. The state was divided into uyezds, which mostly consisted of cities and their immediate surrounding areas. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. As my mother thinks back to when she was still a small child living in China, she recalls the time that everyone was too poor to even buy meat and dairy products, so much so that my grandmothers dream was to be able to eat chicken once a month. And while these mental shortcuts provide easy ways to translate culturally significant elements to a new audience, we continuously perpetuate Western cultures and norms, while erasing the uniqueness of our own cultures. The act of claiming coherent knowledge of a society in effect objectifies and others it into marginalization, making people who are classified into that race as "almost everywhere nearly the same." This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Commentary Easternization of Commentary the world - Emerald We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This page was last edited on 16 April 2023, at 23:53. Your time is important. He firmly enforced class divisions and his tax code significantly expanded the number of taxable workers, shifting an even heavier burden onto the shoulders of the working class. 10.3 Examples of western culture in a Sentence; 10.4 Translation; 10.5 Word of the Day; 11 Western Countries 2021; 12 The Origin of the term "The Western World" 13 Westernization and the new Western World; 14 The Cold War West; 15 The Rich West; 16 The modern meaning of the Western World (the Latin . The Westernization of people, languages and culture After Commodore Perry's visit, Japan began to deliberately accept Western culture to the point of hiring Westerners to teach Western customs and traditions to the Japanese starting in the Meiji era. Balfour frames his argument in favor of continued rule over the Egyptian people by appealing to England's great "understanding" of Egypt's civilization and purporting that England's cultural strengths complemented and made them natural superiors to Egypt's racial deficiencies. A glaring problem with western feminism is the fact that it tries to put the entirety of women in to a box/category. What we are witnessing todayis the progressive unwrapping of these many layers of Western influences.[23]. even a single Western culture element inevitably brought in its wake more and more new elements with more and more changes, resulting in serious disturbances in the vital texture of their traditional culture. On one of the websites I stumbled across a page titled Celebrating Differences which included many descriptions of diverse cultural holidays that the university embraces and celebrates. A brief description of Diversity, Advocacy and Inclusion. The majority of non-Western countries admire and adhere to Western living standards. Following World War II, Western leaders and academics sought to expand innate liberties and international equality. This includes ideals of beauty, clothing, foods, traditions, social media, and even what we consider to be a human right. Democracy, fast food, and American pop culture can all be examples that are considered as Westernization of the world. Western Culture Overview & Characteristics - After men cut their hair, they began to wear Western style hats and carry umbrellas and pocket watches. To further expand on this idea, westernization will be examined in the countries of China, South Korea, and Japan. They are pleased that other countries find western ideas, or in this case, music style to be appealing, but are hesitant to accept the westernized products from other countries because they believe the new products are lesser versions of the actual western product. For instance, Chinese students almost unanimously stated that they thought Western democracy was unsuited for China (Fish). Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. By checking this, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Learn a new word every day. This fascination is coinciding with the rise of the new golden age of quality television in America, with complex characters and unconventional storytelling. Composed in Sanskrit, it embodies the quintessential definition of the word epic with length of roughly 90,000 verses and a clearly defined hero [], Hardys novels are grounded in a realist portrayal of a society defined by constant advancement. Traditionally, the years were reckoned from the purported creation of the world, but after Peters reforms, they were to be counted from the birth of Christ. Thus, for this reason, K-pop has had a hard time finding western audiences that are not previously affiliated with the K-pop genre. In his thesis, he argued that the primary axis of conflict in the future will be along cultural and religious lines.[26]. Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses pp.333-358. 'The worst of worst case scenarios': western diplomats blindsided over Sudan crisis Residents and regional experts say governments and NGOs should have been better prepared for violence Zeinab. After the surge of western influence in Japan in 1964, Japanese people started eating more than 300% more animal fat, protein, and fat in general (Watanabe). Urbanization, the social advancement of women, and changes in labor conditions led to a gradual decrease in the traditional scene of the family gathered around the table at mealtime. Secondary Westernization: He explains the decline of Western influence, stating reasons as to the loss of Western credibility with the rest of the world. Westernization-Features and Impact on Indian Society Many K-pop songs incorporate different western styles in them such as EDM (electronic dance music), rap, and R&B. Russia also remained isolated from the sea trade and its internal trade communications and many manufactures were dependent on the seasonal changes. One of Peters major goals was reducing the influence of the boyars, who stressed Slavicsupremacy and opposed European influence. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. In 1711, a new state body was established: the Governing Senate. This new tax was significantly heavier than the taxes it replaced, and it enabled the Russian state to expand its treasury almost sixfold between 1680 and 1724. In Korea, the first contact with Westernization was during the Chosun Dynasty, in the 17th century. The Effects of Westernization: [Essay Example], 2487 words Globalization is happening in various aspects, ranging from economics, politics, and even food or culture. Peter also taxed many Russian cultural customs (such as bathing, fishing, beekeeping, or wearing beards) and issued tax stamps for paper goods. We might find ourselves in a situation where we dont know how to describe a certain significant person of our nation or culture, and resort to using references such as he is the Picasso of Bulgaria, for example. Their legal status was close to that of serfs but in reality closest to that of slaves. Overall, many countries all over the world have experienced many effects of westernization. As a result, Turkey is one of the most Westernized majority-Muslim nations. The biggest argument against westernization would be that this ideal takes a large amount of culture away from other countries. Members of the highest rank of the feudal Bulgarian, Moscovian, Ruthenian, (Ukraine and Belarus), Wallachian, and Moldavian aristocracies, second only to the ruling princes(or tsars), from the 10th century to the 17th century. Westernization began with traders, colonizers, and . Westernization, to some schools, is seen as a form of globalization that leads the world to be similar to Western powers. Student Center for Diversity Advocacy and Inclusion Groningen. Ultimately, the opinion of western influence in China is mixed: many will express negative feelings towards American foreign policy, but at the same time, are more appreciative of changes that have occurred as a result of westernization. The streets of China were filled with countless McDonalds, Burger Kings, Subways, KFCs, and many more American fast food chain restaurants. The western culture has specifically permeated the cultures of China, South Korea, and Japan with regards to the diet, fashion, pop culture, language, and much more. At the end of the 1960s, most colonies were allowed autonomy. Since then, many Japanese politicians have encouraged the Westernization of Japan with the use of the term Datsu-A Ron, which means the argument for "leaving Asia" or "Good-bye Asia". which included many descriptions of diverse cultural holidays that the university embraces and celebrates. Western Culture Countries, Religion, Politics and Characteristics He argues that the cost of this action is high and only a few states can pursue it. As aforementioned, history cannot be changed, however we can change the way we use our language to pay respect to non-Western cultures, events, people and thought, in creating a fuller and more colorful collective imaginary. Those who sought to retain their beards were required to pay an annual beard tax of one hundred rubles. Passover has nothing to do with Easter, except for the fact that it is celebrated in a similar time span throughout the year. Therefore, learning about each other's cuisines, history, art, language, literature, and ways of expression becomes a must. By doing this we can be sure that no country feels as if we are imposing our culture on to them and also better the global world as we know it today.

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