With Adaptation and Conspiracy, we can make use of abilities that care about Ninjas entering the battlefield like Kindred Discovery and Door of Destinies. Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! This is how we ended up with the creatures that "suck". The most common way this deck wins is by tutoring an extremely high cmc card to the top of our library, like Blinkmoth Infusion or Draco. While we will want to use her a bit early on in order to draw some cards, there is a balance to be struck between getting in some damage and keeping our opponents focused on each other and not us. Commander / EDH Because our creatures are mostly evasive, and because we plan to go wide, even a little bit of team pumping will dramatically increase our clock. Being in green meant that we could play with a very lean curve and use spells to pump up the smaller creatures for lethal damage. Sometimes inspiration strikes like lightning, and other times it needs to be coaxed into existence. The subtle beauty of this extra hoop we're forced to jump through is that it eliminates the quality that makes Edric such a target - the lack of setup required to make him effective. Discord Server | I was somewhat successful with a combo-centric Oona, Queen of the Fae brew, but by the end, my list was too linear to hold my interest. For instance, I've included Mox Amber because Yuriko will almost always be on board, but I've neglected all the other moxen (Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal) even though they would probably be potent here. Check out the changelog if you're curious what I added/cut. The only card filtering option I've retained is Sensei's Divining Top, largely because the ability is reusable. . Yuriko (Optimized) Primer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Yuriko (Optimized) Primer Commander / EDH Aggro Competitive Ninja Ninjutsu Primer Tempo UB (Dimir) azja Upvote 0 Playtest v1 Similar Deck Space Card Recommendations Commander Recommendations Card Kingdom $2.7K - 2.8K TCGPlayer Mkt $1.7K - 2.2K CardHoarder 312 TIX Compare to Spoiler Card Odds Copy Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. If we can assemble this synergy, we'll have no trouble refilling our hand and racing ahead of our opponents in card advantage. First, we can lower our land count slightly. I think there are some obvious switches I could make, like [[fierce guardianship]] instead of [[cancel]], but I have a habit of getting pie eyed over good stuff cards. Often it is best to take a little more time in the early turns to ramp and get some top-deck manipulation on board. It is ninja tribal in cEDH. When the man comes around Commander / EDH. It was replaced by Solve the Equation, which is always good and in much more demand in this deck. We typically want to start by re-playing an enabler. All of these guidelines play to Yuriko's strengths, and will guide how the deck is built. I originally included cards like Ponder and Preordain as ways to stack the top of our deck, while also giving us a means of digging towards our Ninja enchantments. In many games, we can expect to have Yuriko attacking as early as turn two, and while playing a commander on turn two might be ill-advised for most decks, we don't care if Yuriko dies because we have the very real expectation of replaying her almost immediately. This is largely the approach described in the prior section, where seek to win by using Insidious Dreams to stack the likes of Temporal Mastery, Temporal Trespass, Alrund's Epiphany, Nexus of Fate, and Beacon of Tomorrows on top of our deck on our opponent's end step. This is a perfect Bitterblossom deck, as we'll appreciate as many evasive creatures as we can get. But it's useful to have other sources of card draw, especially when they're ninjas too. I think we'll do better with more ninjas. This is especially great because ninjas tend to do poor damage on their own, so this allows us to dish out some real damage to them. These are the abilities that made me fall in love with Yuriko. I don't have experience on higher tiers power levels, so I'm soliciting advice on deck construction and game theory/strategy. Let's get something out of the way now: Yuriko wants us to build a deck based around Ninjas, but of the ~10 available Ninjas, quality is limited. Complete Comment Tutorial! Let's check out what this deck has to offer on the "Fatties" end. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. Tempo These cards are great because they not only provide great value throughout the course of the game, but can help us to finish well also. This approach to the deck was also not afraid to play big expensive cards like Enter the Infinite, Draco and the like which were almost never cast, but served well to kill the table with multiple Yuriko triggers. Back in the Pre-Modern Horizons day we were all in on copying the seventeen ninjas we had, and trying to dupe Yuriko as much as possible. This week we're taking a look at Yuriko in cEDH!MOXFIELD - https://www.moxfield.com/YURIKO DECKLIST - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AvvPQMehv0eejejUeySkAgD. Hence this one gets the cut, but if you are missing any of the other three this is a good card. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Yennett - Odd Cost Tribal Commander / EDH. Flood of Tears is one of my favorite new blue board wipes, and usually we'll be able to start with something on the board which will give us an advantage in rebuilding. Commander / EDH Redshift's Consult Kess primer is also excellent if a bit less detailed. That being said, I haven't had any problems with my removal, but the numbers seem low on paper. I know what you're all thinking: "Scot! Yuriko. Godo has a fantastic primer that immediately got me interested to play the deck. Competitive EDH Decklist Database . In my old casual days I used Dauthi Slayer and other creatures with Shadow to achieve this, but today we have better options, like Triton Shorestalker for instance. To make this happen, we need to be picky with our opening hand: Only keep an opening hand with , , and an enabler for Yuriko. This card was only ever in because prior to Neon Dynasty he was a ninja that could hit the board for a ninjutsu cost of 2 and start racking Yuriko triggers. Secondly, mass evasion is ideal here, as bouncing our creatures back and forth all of the time isn't truly mana efficient, so we'll want a way to get lots of stuff through without having to always do so much work. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Ninjas prefer to strike when no one is expecting it after all! However, he doesn't have evasion himself, and costs four cmc to cast, which is a higher rate than we would want for this type of creature. There was just one problem: Vela is really expensive to cast. I also want to point out that while we very often might be able to cast Yuriko as soon as turn two, that we want to be careful with how aggressive we are with her. This means when we use it to put Yuriko onto the battlefield from the command zone we haven't "cast" her, meaning that commander tax doesn't apply. If the game goes on much longer, we can be overwhelmed by our opponents' more expensive and powerful cards. I also like having Walker of Secret Ways as she can return our ninjas to our hand for re-use in addition to snooping on what our opponents are up to. Lastly, Hope of Ghirapur can lock an opponent out of the game if we're concerned about one player in particular. Help | We can still play small unblockable creatures, and we can still have our Edric-esque ability, but we're going to have to work for it a little bit, making us inherently less threatening. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. Of my excursions into UB, the deck that got me most excited was Vela the Night-Clad. Firstly, there were no legendary ninjas in both blue and black, and thus while Higure, the Still Wind might seem like a great general there wasn't really enough support to field a full deck. Fourthly, any ninja gets us a Yuriko trigger regardless of any other abilities, so Arcane Adaptation effects that make all of our creatures ninjas can win the game in a moment. UB (Dimir). This site is unaffiliated. I really like how Clones scale in this deck. The UB color combination has always been a struggle for me in Commander, in large part because I could never find a commander to match my personality. It also helps a lot that Tetsuko benefits from her own ability, acting as another unblockable attacker. There we have it, ladies and gentlemen. In the past, Yuriko was a disruptive general due to the lack of immediate win conditions. Baleful Strix, Looter Il-Kor, Wharf Infiltrator, Cloud of Faeries, and Shadowmage Infiltrator each represent additional options for drawing cards. Among our one-drops, there are a few standout creatures. If you've read my primers you'll know that cEDH isn't my cup of tea and I prefer optimized commander decks instead, but if you've got 5 grand to throw into a cEDH deck and enjoy that style I'd recommend checking out the following primer- Yuriko Turn and Burn - cEDH. My additional budget is very limited but I am open to suggestions. We want to get Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow out and attacking on turn 2 (or turn 3 at the latest). Lord Windgrace would make sense because of my fondness for lands. To begin with, Commander Ninjutsu is effectively an activated ability which functions from the command zone. Feb. 16, 2022. This ninja can draw cards whenever he deals damage to an opponent which is fabulous! Sacralifia 1 minute ago. I've pointed out that we'll be relying on Yuriko's burn damage to finish off our opponents. While our creatures may suck, they do a very good job of agoing unblocked, and ultimately, that's all we care about. Mana negative ramp, aka all 2-mana rocks, just doesn't fit the decks natural curve of T1 dude T2 Yuriko. Don't forget, ninjutsu is not affected by commander tax since it's an activated ability! That being said, ninjas tend to have abyssmal damage on their own, so you don't gain life off of him, and he doesn't have ninjutsu, making him dependent on other things giving him evasion. It's better to just go low-to-the-ground with more ninjas and kill stuff with Yuriko. Almost more important than our evasive creatures is the ability to turn them into Ninjas. Unnatural Selection: While this is a decent card it eats up a lot of mana. So which new commander made this Temur Timmy writer most excited this year? Can it be used at instant speed? Its a great play to make him unblockable with the thopters, then ninjutsu in a ninja, only to recast him and make more thopters, which can enable more ninjas themselves. Swan Song, Counterspell, and Negate each provide us a catchall for the spells that will give us the most trouble. Temporal Mastery deals 7 damage off Yuriko's trigger, and you can use something like Brainstorm or Scroll Rack to cast it for it's miracle cost later. This is great in that it can copy Yuriko and win games, and can be tutored with Whir of Invention. This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Topdeck As Card Average Deck Decks Combos Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Commander) - Topdeck Theme $9.99 $7.71 8.06 TIX Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow 646 decks (0.027%) Rank #3 Navigation By Theme By Budget All Cheap Expensive Links Aetherhub Archidekt Deckstats Gatherer Moxfield MTGGoldfish MTGStocks Scryfall Before we delve deeper into our creatures or any of the other goodies we're packing, let's take a look at these key enchantments. Yuriko does provide us with a lot of card advantage on her own. Evacuation is great in that it is instant-speed and cheap, allowing us to be the first to rebuild after the wipe. You can easily tone it down by cutting the free counterspells like Fierce Guardianship, or by cutting the one mana tutors such as Vampiric Tutor. As long as we have any of our Ninja enchantments active, Coat of Arms will provide gigantic increases in power to our team. This means that you're the primary target for your opponent's interaction. But we still have two ways to do it- Spark Double and Sakashima the Impostor. We've addressed the creatures and the Ninja enchantments, so we turn now to the supporting cast. This card is great because it creates evasive illusion tokens which can then continue to enable our ninjas turn after turn. Temporal Trespass and its imitators are great. DMCA requests | I also realized that the leaner the curve became, the more likely it would be that we could frequently have Yuriko on board and also have a party of Ninjas to brawl with. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Kamigawa stuff! Many of the evasive creatures we're including also have card filtering applications. That being said, we will play 2+cmc enablers only when they have other advantages that make them too good to pass up. Nonetheless, I found that too often I didn't have enough good targets for it, and when there aren't good targets it's a vanilla ninja without evasion, albeit a beefy one. Finally, we love cards that, like ninjas, have a high cmc but can be cast for much less, like Temporal Mastery and Temporal Trespass. Many of these cards we've already talked about in detail. In fact, in my opinion she has several qualities that make her a more appealing choice overall. DMCA requests | This deck has a very low land count compared to most other EDH decks, so we need our counterspells to be as efficient as possible. We also are running lots of great tutors. But I don't really enjoy playing combo decks, so I've opted to not include the aforementioned Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo. Let's go back in time and discuss the impetus for this deck. Ertai Planeswalker. It's also worth noting that we are pretty psyched to steal any Equipment, so maybe make friends with your opponent playing Nazahn, Revered Blacksmith (shout out to Mason at the Underdog's Corner). Our playgroup decided to try out cEDH with more budget-friendly lists.I decided to go for Yuriko (other Decks are Tatyova, Breya / Anje, X) and I took Zack's basic design of the deck. Support us . If we already have an Arcane Adaptation in play, we can instead find one of our top-end spells, like Deepfathom Skulker, which can represent a lot of damage quickly. Thus with Edric died my interest in the unblockable creature archetype Functionally, Yuriko operates more similarly to Edric than Vela, but many of the cards that made me interested in Vela for an unblockable strategy are equally applicable in Yuriko. Now that we've addressed the our Ninja enchantments, lets take a look at the Ninjas we'll being employing. Contact | 0 0 0. Primer and our I still need to find a place for it though. The owner of Study didn't even get to do anything with the extra cards because everyone hated on them so much! I have tried being able to manipulate the top deck, but I can't figure out the mana to do it repeatedly. Alongside Mothdust Changeling, Sakashima's Student is our only other natural Ninja. It will eventually go in for sure. I'm debating taking [[fallen shinobi]] and [[scheming symmetry]] out as it's been pretty expensive and risky to pull off. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Introduction As an avid budget deck creator, I took it upon myself to help the players that don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a card game, and still want to destroy their friends and have fun doing so as well. Yuriko can be built differently based on your preference and meta. Once we have a Arcane Adaptation or Conspiracy, Kindred Discovery suddenly becomes one of the best draw spells in the deck. I always lacked inspiration, and I would force myself to brew various commanders in the hopes of being surprised by the final result. I really like this card, and might put it back in if some of the newer ninjas don't perform as I hope they will. When most people think of UB, myself included, the signature abilities that come to mind are mill, clones, counterspells, and recursion. If your play style is anything like mine, then Yuriko is for you! Ninjutsu then bounces the unblocked creature to your hand and replaces it with the ninja, who then is guaranteed to get through for damage. Also: No ramp at all? Infiltrator and Muddle are two cards that do things that our deck wants to be doing anyway, and the fact that they can represent two additional copies of Unnatural Selection increases the value of all three cards. Xenograft is included in this deck for redundancy. With the London Mulligan we effectively have three shots at our opening hand, so eight with a bonus is a pretty good number for us. I would also like to point out the cards that specifically synergize with Ninjas were cut. After much testing I am pleased to offer up my Yuriko ninjas list. However, for us, the tutors that put cards on top of our deck have an added utility. 33 lands? Welcome to my Yuriko primer! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You have to discard your cards as part of the cost regardless of whether it resolves or not, and its a huge pain to discard most of your hand only to be countered! We still have Arcane Adaptation for this purpose, but with Neon Dynasty we're better off just playing more and better ninjas. Obelisk gives a much more limited buff, but it's substantial and will probably be enough to close out a game. Commander offers us a variety of effects that grant our dudes evasion or unblockability. Really, there are a very small set of NON-evasive 0-1 drops that make the cut, and each have a very specific purpose. These cheap ninjas maximize Yuriko's aggressiveness and punish opponents' clunky threats. While not directly a creature, I did want to acknowledge our creature lands/rocks and Bitterblossom. In this deck the best card is, This is where we win the game! Of our 30 creatures, 27 of them have natural evasion. We don't care that most of our creatures are french vanilla because as long as they're Ninjas, Yuriko gives them the only ability they're going to need. I didn't go as lean as most competitive Edric decks, and I'm trying to straddle the line between being optimized and 75%. Otherwise Yuriko can be running penny commons and still do amazingly well. I still think Skulker will be a reasonable include because it can become a 4/4 unblockable creature on its own (and can grant Yuriko unblockable) but I also wouldn't be surprised if this card is one of the first cards on the chopping block in favor of more efficient options. The second was Flying and featured 1/1 flyers for 1 with another ability, like Faerie Seer or Mausoleum Wanderer. The first is Quietus Spike, which will cut life totals in half when it's equipped to one of our dudes. For a while I didnt play Memnite or Phyrexian Walker because they don't have any kind of evasion. One of the best is Higure, the Still Wind, who can tutor up any ninja we need for the task at hand, and hence is also allows us to make full use of our ninja "toolbox." I'm excited to try out Larceny because it should have devastating implications for our opponent's plans, and I imagine we'll often be leaving them without many options to combat us. As for interaction, Throat Slitter and my favorite ninja of all-time, card:Mist-blade Shinobi exist to help us to deal with creature-based threats repeatedly. )Also Demonic Consultation and Tetsuko Umezawa are cards that show up most of the times. The reason being that you can use them after your ninjas have dealt combat damage, in response to Yuriko's trigger. I'm a Timmy that loves Green, Creatures, and Lands. Since then I have play-tested extensively, and have cut and added cards as new sets are released. If you're able to take 2-3 turns in a row with a couple of triggers from Yuriko each time, it's almost always enough to take the win. The goal is to start the game with one of these 12 on the board so that we can curve nicely into Yuriko. Terms of Use | Archidekt link: https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, Tappedout link: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to leave a comment! Side note: My play group plays a lot of black, so Snuff Out can feel pretty bad. Islandwalk is easily the most limited form of evasion among any of our creatures, but I think in most cases she'll have another blue player to prey on. But with more testing, I believe the tempo advantage they provide is enough to outweigh this downside. I wanted to create a UB deck that got value out of each attack, and used Vela's Intimidate anthem to ensure I could push damage through. Edric is cheap, and his access to blue means that we still get many of the better evasive creatures. This isn't to say that Yuriko is merely a worse version of Edric. We've talked about most of these cards already, and for the most part, the cards we haven't talked about are standard fare. The problem of course, is that these cards are most likely to rot in our hands and possibly draw us early aggro. Check it out here if you're interested: You made it to the end! 94.33 tix 11 Mythic, 32 Rare, 17 Uncommon, 40 Common. In the current version, we can't justify Mirror Gallery, the generic Clone spells, or even Helm of the Host (which still works but is too costly in cmc) any more. Competitive By Theme Toothy, Imaginary Friend Commander / EDH. One other thing to mention is that Yuriko's ability might tempt us to play lots of high cmc cards like Enter the Infinite in order to use them to kill the table, and the pre-MH version did just that. Even Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer has the potential to go off the rails in very fun ways, but today we won't be discussing any of these. This is often times the easiest and most effective way to win. Okay, so realistically, we don't have any creatures that qualify as "Fatties," at least not as much as I'm used to when playing green. This is the Yuriko deck Jordan has been playing in some of our gameplay videos. At the time we only had seventeen ninjas, so in addition to a little help from Arcane Adaptation and its functional equivalents we ran Mirror Gallery and a tons of Clone cards with the profligate goal of copying Yuriko herself for fun and profit. However, like we pointed out when assessing our protection options, we don't particularly care what our opponents are doing as long as they aren't disrupting our board or combo-ing out. I'm not going to go into much detail about Deepfathom Skulker here. Ertai Planeswalker. Where's the green?" I'm also a sports nut, and follow baseball, football, hockey, and soccer in detail. EDH: [Primer] Erebos, God of the Dead HONK HONK #21 Jul 29, 2018. 15399 decks (0.629%) Rank #3. Once I have the chance to test this deck extensively, I'll have a better idea of what tweaks would make this build more effective overall. Ninja For most decks, this section would be fairly boring. As far as ninja enablers go, there are many, many options in today's game but the eight that I've chosen I believe are the creme of the crop. I have a modest collection, and can afford to spend probably $50 at the moment for additional improvements. [[Insidious dreams]] has been the most effective top deck manipulation effect so far, winning a few games on its own. This year my heart was stolen by our first UB Ninja legend, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. The three creatures lacking evasion can copy our evasive creatures to become evasive themselves. For more information, please see our That primer was my first real exposure to cEDH thinking and got me really excited to play the format. In the mid-game we are going to want to get some ninjas out and moving while dealing with threats that come up and searching for key pieces that will help us to win the game in an explosive turn or a series of explosive turns. Toolbox https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IQMMoWTVcU6U1bTb-2epvA. The following primer will be extensive and have a good amount of detail, and some of the earlier sections will explore the evolution of the deck from release till now. telenovelas de amor turcas,

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