For the retained 33 items as a whole, the Cronbachs coefficient is =.94. - Pay attention to the thoughts of your pupils. The purpose of Belio and Urtuzuasteguls (Citation2013) study was to determine the opinion of the faculty members regarding their creativity fostering behaviour. There will, of course, be exceptions to this rule, but generally thus is the case. Independent t-test shows no differences between male and female teachers as well as between teachers teaching in urban and rural locations. The CFTIndex was used as the main data collection instrument, in addition to Goughs Creativity Personality Scale which has 30 adjectives; a shorter version based on Domino (Citation1970) was used in Soh (Citation2000) and a Chinese Creativity Test. - Teachers, schools and education systems have an important role to play in promoting lifelong learning attitudes. Teachers must refrain from commenting or passing judgment on a piece of work a student has done without proper observation. Help students to adapt to different learning styles and methods of communication / knowledge sharing. The authors concluded that the university lecturers in Ogun and Oyo States exhibited a good amount of productivity and capacity building based on their creativity fostering behaviours (p. 259). Possible further research studies using the CFTIndex are suggested and discussed. Within the context of No Child Left Behind, Edingers (Citation2008) study investigated creativity fostering teacher behaviours in a high-stakes standardized testing environment. This article highlights information directly related to CFTIndex to provide an integrated database and to facilitate future research. As alluded to above, comparison with other studies enhance the value of an otherwise isolated study. The structure of the CFTIndex appears to be relatively stable in spite of the differences between the original group and the one of this replication. Motivation plays a significant role in learning and creativity among the students. As shown in Table 10, there are generally differences between the facultys and students scores, in favour of the former group. Secondly, make it a good habit to report the SD when reporting the mean. In 1977, the Journal was passed to Jerome Freiberg at the University of Houston, College of Education, where it currently housed. The lowest means go to Judgement, Evaluation and Independence. Connecting to the personal world of students is another way that teachers support their students' learning (Thoonen et al., 2011). This time, the total variances explained for the subscales are shown in Table 2 together with the means and SDs for the CFTIndex and its nine subscales. Everyone is creative in their own way - from the engineer who can find a cost-effective way to solve a complicated problem related to the construction of a bridge to the artist who created the worlds highest-valued NFT, everyone has their own area of expertise and their own area of creativity. The study involves 36 special primary school teachers from the Oyo state. However, this difficulty is easily overcome by rescaling the scores. In terms of age, 40% aged between 20 and 35, and the remaining 60% aged 36 or above. The Journal began its publication as the Classroom Interaction Newsletter by Dr. Anita Simon of Temple University in Philadelphia, with editorial adviser Dr. Ned Flanders. In practice, that usually means two things: serving as a role model for students, and finding ways to stimulate their creative thinking processes. This way, the student will learn to be self-critical, not so much as to demean their own work, but looking through the lens of self-improvement. They further argued that there was a relevant desirability that acquires a substantive priority, taking into account how important it is for developing professional competencies, the transfer value it has for meaningful learning, and the pertinence it gives to a sensible curriculum (p. 28). For instance, during the planning stages of a group project vs. during a standardized test. The 45 items formed the 9 subscales, and the CFTIndex as a whole were tested on a group of 117 teachers in Singapore. Deprioritize memorization-focused tasks and replace them with tasks that allow students to challenge assumptions. Hong Kong (Forrester & Hui, Citation2007). Seen from this perspective, creativity is a behavioral trait which teachers are expected to promote or foster in the students. The case study design included gathering data through interviews and observations. The scale has a Cronbachs coefficient of .96 indicating a very high degree of internal consistency. Moreover, item-total correlations of the subscales were estimated and these vary from r=.29 to r=.66. Sometimes building your own creativity is as simple as changing up daily routines, taking small risks, or building your own creative rituals. On the other hand, the three narrowest spread of scores go to Opportunities, Question and Motivation, suggesting that teachers were more agreeing in these. Table 11 shows the overall CFTIndex scores for the groups. Request Permissions, Published By: Journal of Classroom Interaction. In other words, the least and the most experienced faculty members tended to over-reporting their creativity fostering behaviour or, alternatively, their students under-reported. This information enables other researchers to decide how much they can trust what has been reported in a study. The authors concluded that although the study does not contribute greatly to making theoretical progress, their results do show that creativity behaviour does exist in their university. Comparisons between the two studies show that the Atlantic group score higher than the original Singapore group on Independent and Judgement but lower on Opportunities and Frustration; the Cohens ds indicate medium or large effect. Table 10 shows the scores of the faculty members and students for the CFTIndex and its nine subscales. During this time an international review board was established and continues Recently, the European Science Foundation has recognized JCI in its list of quality international research journals. It can be recommended to the researchers who will used the scale to make their interpretation according to 33 items and nine subscales (p. 321). Instead of the original six-point scale, a five-point scale was used. Moreover, pre-service teachers own creativity-related experiences fully/partially mediated the relationship between Openness and CFTIndex scores. Others are as simple as learning to identify opportunities to help students exercise their creativity. Teachers who help their students to become authors of their lives, take ownership and develop personal interest in their own work stimulate students' motivation, and increase their drive to learn. These inter-subscale correlations are comparable in range with those found in Sohs (Citation2000) original study, although the Hong Kong study has a lower median (as compared with r=.82). The 16 adjectives formed a scale for self-evaluation by the respondent as a Creative Person. This study involved 34 faculty members and 202 students. This article is of interest not only to creativity researchers but perhaps more to educators in general who are concerned with developing creativity in the students. Having had the studies thus annotated and their information integrated, a logical question is, Where do we go from here? The creative process is not a simple "aha" that strikes without warning. As a result of the language equivalence analysis, high correlation was observed between the Turkish and English forms of the CFTIS, developed by Soh (Citation2000) . These are possible studies which can be taken as ways of further verifying the validity of the CFTIndex or as research in its own rights. Based on Arthur J. Cropleys nine principles, the Creativity Fostering Teacher Behaviour Index (CFTIndex) was developed and trialled with a group of teachers (N=117) in Singapore. Helping students develop their creative capacities can have both direct and indirect benefits. Note: The rescaled means and SDs are for five items per subscale using six-point scale as in the original CFTIndex. They were convinced that the university lecturers were resourceful and creative enough thereby contributing meaningfully to the system (p. 259) and further stressed that if undergraduates and graduate students are not trained in creativity thinking or behaviour by the lecturers, they would remain passive, potentially vibrant and inactive as before they were admitted to the university (p. 231). In a sense, these are the aspects worthy of more attention if student creativity is to be fostered. The purpose of Soh and Queks (Citation2007) study was to explore further the validity of the CFTIndex using fresh data from another group of Singaporean teachers. This entails the need to define and describe creative fostering teacher behaviours first and then develop an instrument based on them. The science of creativity in classroom settings is both complex and evolving. A common view is that as student progresses from year to year in school, the academic orientation to teaching and learning becomes more dominant. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. These could be due to cultural difference and, possibly, age of the teachers (the Atlantic group being younger). The authors also classified the faculty members into five groups in terms of teaching experience. Creativity is a critical component for the type of divergent thinking necessary for innovation. This is a very powerful method because it instills confidence within the students and at the same time, also helps them see what their strengths are and how they can work on them to improve them. However, it is also a truism that not all teachers are equipped with such capacity-building behaviour. The correlations lend support to the concurrent validity of the CFTIndex. So, teachers need to create opportunities and avenues for children to improve their creative skills and come up with more and more creative ideas. Moreover, 125 (55%) of the teachers taught mainly elementary classes. This is a very powerful tool, not just when looking through the lens of art and creativity, but in all practical aspects of life as well. In view of the recent Ph.D. dissertations and other studies which used it for data collection, and in view of the prevalent mood about creativity fostering, more studies like those annotated here can be expected. In short, teachers are in a strategic position to foster creativity of their students, if the teachers are able to and in a habit of demonstrating creativity fostering behaviour in the day-to-day interaction with their students. Given below are a few. - The OECD Skills Outlook 2021 explores how policies can best promote lifelong learning for all. What is creativity mention the strategies to foster creativity among students? The Journal of Classroom Interaction Scores for the two versions were calculated and the correlations varied from a low r=.32 (item 2) to a very high r=.89 (item 38). However, this creativity in students is short-lived as they will find it difficult to explore their artistic side along with the school curriculum. Inter-subscale correlations vary from r=.28 (between Independence and Flexibility) to r=.62 (between Independence and Integration), with a median of r=.47. Table 1 also shows the means (and SDs) for the subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole. Based on these as the conceptual framework, Soh (Citation2000) developed the Creativity Fostering Teacher Behaviour Index (CFTIndex) as an effort to fill the vacuum of suitable instruments for measuring teacher behaviour relevant to the above principles. There is, however, a dearth of suitable instruments for measuring this type of teacher behaviour, although there are many instruments for measuring student creativity. Chile (Manriquez & Reivera, Citation2005). This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. The schools were located in city, town, village and remote rural community. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Many of the most effective ways to encourage creativity in a classroom environment are simple augmentations to existing practices. The information from the various studies was combined for a broader view of the nine subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Comparisons with the original version, the subscale and whole scale means show little difference, perhaps with the exception of Independence, Flexibility, Question and Frustration for which the replication groups scored slightly higher. A study standing alone, however well done, has little usefulness; ensuring or facilitating comparisons with other like studies enhances its value in a wider context. Students have countless curiosities about the world that theyre eager to explore. At the same time, 35% of the teachers held a Bachelors degree and 65% a Masters degree. These, however, were found to be unrelated to the CFTIndex scores. For this reason, the author retained the original names of the subscales. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. The age range was between 32 and 64years with a mean of 44.3 (SD=2.36). A measure of teachers creativity fostering behaviours is therefore needed if research in this subfield of student creativity development is to be conducted with rigour and vigour. A creative learning environment is one that encourages students to learn through trial and error, use their imagination, and to think critically to solve problems. Among these only four (2.5%) references pertain to teachers . Tell your kids all about your favorite artists, musicians, and scientists. The obtained t-value 11.87 shows that there is significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test and post-test in enhancing creativity in story-writing through online tools among student . Firstly, keep close to the original six-point scale with five items for each subscale and report the total score accordingly. It overrides play and personal exploration The other four subscales each split into two orthogonal factors. Back-translation was conducted to check translation equivalence and it was decided to use a five-point scale instead of the original six-point scale after a discussion. These are substantial evidence of concurrent validity in that respondents who saw themselves as being more creative also scored higher on CFTIndex and its subscales.

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