No harem, but there might be some side chicks, Daenerys will be the main though. When his conquest of Dorne failed, Aegon the Conquorer hoped that his fire would be more the bane to the Kings of Winter. Endless streams of nothingness. Maesters, scholars, artisans, physicians, and men of all walks of learning travel from the four corners of the known world to study and congregate here, basking in the wisdom of the Aglow Lady, who left behind countless tomes of knowledge, all of which are securely and safely cataloged and kept in the Great Librarya depository of knowledge equaled only by the Citadels, though many claim the knowledge of the Dawntown is less fragmented and more impartial than that of the masters of Oldtown. Aside from an attempted invasion of the North by the King Beyond the Wall, Raymond Redbeardwhich was swiftly averted when the Spartan met with the freefolk king and negotiated his armys disbandment in exchange for an increase in the settlement of freefolk around the Dawntownthe Starks continued to enjoy the peace that had lasted for generations. But the Spartan denied him this, intercepting the Targaryens in the skies with his great steel dragon. I shouldn't be happy that I died. If it's good and it's not abandoned I want to read it! Ser Arthur Dayne held the head high by its dark strands before dropping it before Prince Rhaegars feet. Male SI, transmigrated into Jaime Lannister's body during the day of Mad king Aerys death. Maegor, arrogant and bloodthirsty in his triumph, then declared he would finish his fathers work and take the North, vowing to raze Winterfell to the ground and snuff out House Stark. As to the events of what happened during the Dance of Dragons, the Targaryen civil war which had nearly destroyed the realm, a comprehensive history by Grand Maester Munkun does exist, which details the events in the broader scope of the war. The Seven. If God wanted to prank me I decided I should prank the world I was born in. Wouldnt hurt to make friends. A score of noble houses were ended that day, torn and pierced and blown to pieces alongside the levies they had march to war. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It would avail them nothing, as all who dared to stand in the Spartans way were shot down and smitten by his legendary armament. Rhaenyra had laid a trap for both the Spartan and Cole, and hoped that the sheer number of her dragons would succeed where the likes of Belarion the Black Dread and Vhaegar had failed. Then she took off Widows Wail, still in its scabbard, and handed it to Arya. It was an oddity as to why the princess possessed such eyes, when neither the Starks nor Targaryens were known to carry them, but by the very word of her parents, when the Spartan had helped deliver her into the world, he had lain a blessing upon the child with his otherworldly healing, which her eyes otherworldly beauty was a consequence of. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Well, not aaaall of them. Dany sat next to the dying Stannis Baratheon in a room that smelled of blood and rot. That very night, she was escorted from her room, summoned by the king, even as Prince Aemon and his men tried to assess the damage done upon the city, and searching for any sign of the Spartan. To Tango With Dragons: An Aegon II SI (ASOIAF/House of the Dragon) But the Spartan had no intention of meeting the Lannister host on their own terms. Dany thought that was what he was apologizing for. From the Nightfort to Moat Cailin, from the Rills to the Karhold, from Deepwood Motte to Widows Watch, this vast system of roads stretched from coast to coast, connecting all but the most remote of the Norths holdings, all leading back to that grand and old capitol of the North, Winterfell itself. It is approximately a decade and a half before the Conquest of Dorne under Daeron I Targaryen, and all the dragons have died out. Kermit, left with little other choice, agreed to the terms, and returned to Riverrun shortly after. But undoubtedly the most incredible of these cities was known simply to the Northerners as the Dawntown, which surrounded the fabled Forward Unto Dawn. There is a wildling SI in spacebattles. However, Joffrey, the character, has a terrible reputation and now is up to Kim, also known as Lloyd Frontera, to fix that. The following clash, remembered today as the Battle for the Crossroads, was a battle only in namemore accurately, it was butchers work. Some claimed it was her great beauty and spirit which compelled him, causing the hero to be enchanted by her as so many other men had. In the blink of an eye, I was turned into a baby and in another world. It carries the legacy of Fools and Tyrants. With Aegon burnt, broken, and poppy-addled from his injuries sustained at Rooks Rest, Prince Aemond and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Criston Cole, immediately marched north, and after securing Harrenhal, marched further to face the Spartans armywhen baffling news reached them. However, most of its strange machines had long since fallen silent, and the Northerners so revered it that they refused to disturb the great structure of steel save to preserve it from the ravages of timeindeed, to attempt to enter it without the consent of the King in the North is a crime punishable by beheading even today. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Badly injured in the battle at Ashford, Robert Baratheon is forced to marry Cersei Lannister at Casterly Rock to secure the allegiance, and forces, of the Westerlands during the early stages of the rebellion, against the Targaryen rule. Theon Greyjoy, she corrected. Source: But regardless of what course they intended to take, dark news reached them: Rhaenyra had descended on Kings Landing with her dragon, and had claimed the defenseless capitol as her own. This, too, failed, as the Spartan leaped into the air so high that he was at her side within the blink of an eye. Everything all right here? Aryas voice had Sansa turn around, seeing her sister stand behind her watching with an appropriate amount of suspicion, reading the tenseness of her posture and of her expression quite accurately. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The duel only ended when Aemon, in a stunning display, caught the Spartan unawares for a single moment, and thrust Dark Sister forward. It was only after restoring order to the city that Daeron allowed himself to he crowned, and immediately set about to righting his fathers mistakes. (story translated with google translate). A loose study on GRRM's style. Whatever screams Rhaenyra had shouted to save them availed her not over the roars of the dragons, and she could only watch as Princes Jacaerys and Joffrey both met their fates that day, the Spartan slaying their mounts from under them and sending them crashing to the ground. It was not apparent during those first years, when Aegon sat the Iron Throne. From Last Hearth to the Neck, the North rose united behind them, in awe that their legendary heroes had returned to drive back the dragonlords. The latter, then., I do hope youll be less unpleasant on the Kings Road, he said. The greens mourned little when he dispatched them as he had all the dragon riders before them, as the dragonseeds were not much loved by them, and they themselves were terrified of the Spartans fury, and the green army disbanded. Informational: Hollow Wolf (Ned Stark SI). Dany and Arya were quiet for a moment. But the citys gates were closed to him, and with no dragons and scarcely an army left, he could not hope to take it. Many suitors came, from Sunspear to Last Hearth and even from the Free Cities, to beg her hand in marriage, some offering lavish sums of gold, others great swaths of land, rare gifts of exotic origins, and even promises to conquer cities in her nameall of which were refused. From the accounts of Winterfells maesters, the princess never once came down with infirmity or aliment, and indeed was reported to be the healthiest of all the Stark children. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Attempted Murder and Assassination Attempts, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jon Snow does not have time for for Southron bullshit, Jon Snow is why the Others can't have nice things, Sanjuno's Shamelessly Self-Indulgent Self-Inserts, Westeros is Not Prepared for All that Sass, The Revolution of Westeros: How an Engineer Views Plebeians, He Who Mounts The World: a Khal Drogo quasi-SI, Free Cities of Essos (A Song of Ice and Fire), Dothraki Language (A Song of Ice and Fire), I just wanted to write about Discount-Mongols I swear. Lying in bed, the first thing I saw was rotten wooden boards that formed what one could charitable call a ceiling. It was during a small skirmish with a band of robber knights that your story begun. May I ask, are you experiencing the pain of your moon blood or?. When a self-insert enters a new world, they choose to embark on an adventure not many would. [Fief Builder/Riot Quest], And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare), The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story (ASOIAF/GOT), Under the Ice Dragon's Eye (ASoIaF x Walking Dead ISOT), Aegon the Arrogant - The First Dornish War Analysis, Playing with Dolls (BlackRock Shooter/A Song of Ice and Fire Crossover Fanfiction), The Longest Day: a War of the Five Kings Quest, The Seven That Would Be One: An Asoiaf/MtG Draft Quest. Not but a few days before her birth, a most peculiar event had taken place in the Dawntown. Another person to rememberthought Tyrion, fear rising in him. After ensuring the Gullet was safe, and the sorry remnants of the enemy was well on their way back across the Narrow Sea, he then left without another word. "The Stranger was neither male nor female, yet both, ever the outcast, the wanderer from far places, less and more than human, unknown and unknowable." Accounts left behind by her own writing indicate the princess had intentions of releasing new innovations to medicine and science, breakthroughs which would doubtlessly help to further the advancement of the Kingdom in the North, perhaps all of Westeros and beyondbut sadly, fate was not so kind as to permit it before events in the South would halt her efforts. Succession CrisisChapter One: The Afterparty Threadmarks. And many believed he would, for his victory over the Starks had seemed so complete that his army could likely march unopposed at the very place his father had been defeated. The westerlords still chose to press on, hoping to avenge the death of their liege lord, but when they came to bear against the Spartans army at the Battle of Wayfarers Rest, they met the same fate as Elmo Tullyall the more impounded by their lack of leadershipand the Lannister army was sent reeling back in a chaotic rout towards Casterly Rock. =========={}========== I think its only fitting that one should be returned to your family. Her eyes trailed up the length of his intricate, golden armor to find the equally golden man. 11 notes. When Queen Wylenna refused to acknowledge Maegor as anything but a usurper, Maegor had Balerion the Black Dread bathe her in dragonflame, before swallowing her whole. The North is the largest region in all of Westeros, but has a relatively small population despite its size. Regardless, the Spartan would return with her to Winterfell, where he was received as a guest of the utmost honor. Following the death of Maegor, the Spartan made his way south, where he was justly received as a liberating hero by the whole of the realm for ending the terrible rule of the Tyrant Dragon. Thus, to this day, she remains the oldest living Stark, counting in this two-hundred and ninety-five years since the Conquest a hundred and twenty-six years of life, being the oldest known person to live after the Spartan himself, and still having all the grace and beauty as the day she first chose to stand at the Spartans side for all eternity., A History of the Spartan and House Stark, Part IV, by Maester Benjymen. Maybe after another trip to storms end. Possibly a SI, but possibly not, IDK, just read and enjoy :-D. T for now Site: | Category: Game of Thrones | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 4 . A 21st century man ends up in a ASOIAF world with the power of the Emperor of mankind, now he must live his life while gradually gaining the power of the most powerful "human" in the Warhammer 40k universe. The Warhammers, a professional force loyal to the crown, established by Robert, trained by Ser Vollen Tyrek and comprising of Pikemen, Crossbowmen and Longbowmen. Aegon, mad with wroth, sought to destroy the Spartan with Balerion, but even the Black Dread could not prevail, and was too sent crashing down. But one day, Prince Joffrey attacked my friend and Nymeria bit him on the arm. Author's Note: He shouted for his men to slay the Spartan, but none who remained dared approach, and indeed many fled screaming for their lives, so struck with terror at the Spartans massacring of their comrades. It does not take long into her marriage for Cersei and Jaime to realize that what they had has vanished. Use the dragons as scouts, but keep them away from the Others. The threat Aegon the Conqueror posed was the most dire the North had faced since the Long Night. He was the doctor of the Dreadforta maester, they called them in Westerosa man of knowledge and healing. Because fuck playing things for drama, the Starks are going to learn to recognize the crazy people and stay well away from them.). A man from modern times awakens as the heir of a newly arisen house in one of the more backwater regions the Stormlands. It would avail him nothing but the death of many riverlords. This is a Time of Dragons and Peace. On that, the Spartan agreed, and accepted Coles challenge. GOT-SI | Archive of Our Own His councillors begged he reconsider, for of all the Seven Kingdoms, none were so feared as the North. Indeed, the Spartan never professed any romantic love for the princess, though the actions he would take on her behalf nevertheless indicated an astounding care which he held her with. Once he had secured peace for the realm, he instituted massive reforms to the system of taxation, which while unpopular at the time, helped to fill the royal coffers and fuel the Conciliators future endeavors. Even as the Kings Justice neared the pyre with his torch, the confidence in her eyes did not falter, though men claimed to have nevertheless seen tears running down her cheeks. Indeed, though many had thought the sudden and crushing halt of the Dragons advance would give rise to rebellion and sedition from his conquered territories of the Southern kingdoms, Aegons reign on the Iron Throne was astoundingly peaceful. The Stallion. So first, a quick disclaimer - I am in no way a lore buff when it comes to the Song of Ice and Fire or its world. The Spartan flew his flying machine right into Aegons camp, and with him was King Torrhen. He's also hopelessly in love with Sansa Stark, and that's both a good thing and a bad thing for the pair of them. No system, however MC will create his own mental replica of a system in order to organise his abilities. The Spartan then used his flying machine to scour the fleet of the Three Daughters, cutting his way through hundreds of men with a small band of hand-picked soldiers at his side, until he found and rescued also the young Prince Viserys, and then immediately flew to Dragonstone, where a stunned, confused, but ultimately relieved Rhaenyra was returned her two sons. And for the first time in the Norths history, the Master Chief had not come out of necessity to end some war or deliver the people from some dire peril, and now walked among the people in peace longer than he had even been recorded to do. Aegon the VI, later known as the Unworthy, had proven himself one of the worst Targaryen kings. And you know what's going to happen in the future of that king. Though the Spartan seemed the better of the two, for even Aemon the Dragonknight admitted he could not hope of defeating the Spartan in combat, the latter was reported to have held back the greater part of his strength that day, out of respect for Aemon and to make the duel a fair onehe even removed his famed gold-visor helm and for the first time revealed his face to the public, stating that he would concede victory to Aemon were he to so much as scratch him. Astride Balerion, and with his sister-wife Visenya astride Vhaegar, the Conquorer sought to blast Moat Caitlin as he had Harrenhal, and allow his army to storm the North. This doesnt seem to be A/N: Yo, DC here. Every soldier you lose is one that they gain, so youll want to lower the risk to your men whenever you can. Not another fucking Frey (Frey OC-SI). While it was an immense undertaking, and an undoubtedly even more laborious task to keep it maintained, the Northerners had discovered that keeping the roads in good order promoted trade and travel unparalleled across the north, giving rise not only to great wealth, but also the migration of peoples to found settlements along the roads. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes! And to this in turn, Aemon the Dragonknight accepted, though many believed it was only his honor as a knight of Kingsguard that moved him to do so, having failed to protect his kingnot on account of any affection held for Aegon. They had just returned from hunting in the wolfswood and they were sluggish and sleepy after their meal. When Daeron warned his father that it would result in an inevitable war with the North, the king allegedly replied, 'Then let me see them to the flame with her and their precious champion. This only further supported the suspicion that Aegon had in fact orchestrated events to see the Spartan eliminated. Following this, the Spartan and the Maiden returned to the Forward Unto Dawn and continued their eternal sleep. As a fan (and to an extent, realist), how will he act according to the future he knows is coming? Rather, it was what many saw as an inevitable conclusion began at the Field of Thunder, where King Torrhen the Defiant and the legendary Spartan defeated Aegon, showing the whole of Westeros how even the might of the dragonlords were rendered meek by the otherworldly might of the Forward Unto Dawn. Let this be a grave warning to all who would imperil the North and its people., ~Maester Benjamyn, A History of House Stark and the Spartan. The inspiration of this mighty endeavor could be attributed to the famous tour of the North that Jaehaerys and his sister-wife, Good Queen Alysannee, shared early in their reign. While Cristen Cole and most of his army were indeed bathed in dragonflame, the Spartans armor proved impervious to the dragons fiery breath, and while he had been separated from his Steel Bird and his thunder weapons, he would demonstrate then and there that he had no need of it. King Jaeherys was quick to restore relations with the Starks and the Faith, and would be remembered as perhaps the greatest ruler of the Targaryen dynasty, and together with King Brandon, helped to rebuild Westeros from the years of bloodshed of Maegors reign, and bringing about a golden age of peace and prosperity for the whole continent. So in these last days before the Stranger takes me too I will attempt to give an account of my life, the events that shaped me and my rule. As for the Spartan and the Aglow Lady, the both of them returned to their slumber at the Foreward Unto Dawn after sending their army back to the Dawntown, with the Rogue Wolves coming to live out the winter alongside them. Arya Stark was up there, as well, not too close the dragon, but watching her. Stick them with the pointy end. Gladius when he realizes he has become Robert. A woman from our world wakes up in the body of one Cersei Lannister, and subsequently tries her best to keep the realm and royal family from self-destructing. You are a Dwarf or; for those that speak Khazalid, the language of your people, a Dawi. Some even claimed that, as she ripened into a woman grown, Princess Cortana seemed of the very likeness of the Maiden of Light, which only reinforced the notion, and would only be further added to as she grew. He was going to let everything pass him by and live in peace. Poor people had to deal with not having enough money to feed or clothe their families, among other Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Darkness Before the Dawn. After your fathers execution, Tywin had his sword, Ice, melted down and split into two arming swords. Countless numbers assailed him from all sides, and he felled them all with otherworldly might, and allegedly he killed more than a hundred men that day. The crowds cheered with great uproar, and the two champions left the ring with a mutual feeling of the highest respect for one another. There is one thing that the American people always rise to and extend their hand to, and that is the truth of justice and of liberty and of peace. Daeron, perhaps feeling insulted, mocked Cregan as a craven, and instead stated perhaps the Spartan would surly aid in the cause of uniting the South, to which Cregan had reportedly guffawed so hard that his maester had to treat him for chest pains. As Elmo was a supporter of Rhaenyra, it astounded and confused the greens as to why the Spartan would thwart an army loyal to the blacks. As oft said, "When you play the Game of Thrones you win, or you die." So passed Aegon the Unworthythe third Targaryen king to fall at the Spartans hand. You fed him, I imagine?, Of course Ifedhim, Dany snapped. The Spartan would be immortalized with a new moniker for his exploits in the Dance, and for bringing about the end of the age of the great winged beasts of House TargaryenThe Dragonslayer., A History of House Stark and the Spartan, Volume III, by Maester Benjymen. Waking up in the body of Eddard Stark, you could only want to go back to sleep and never wake up again. With his financial support as well as the aid of the latters road-workers, Jaehaerys began the project of building the Realmroad, a task which would not be completed until well after his death and well into the reign of his grandson, Viserys I. Jaehaerys, with the council of his good friend and Hand of the King, Septon Barth, also oversaw the construction of a great system of sewers, likewise inspired by the Northerners advances in sanitation. When Baelor I ascended the throne after his brother, it seemed a more amiable return to the norm of peace for Westeros. Asides from private life, I returned to what I had published for a mass edit. the Reborn Dragon will shake things up and change the Game of Thrones. Belarion was crippled, and Aegon was burned so badly in some places his armor was fused to his flesh, but the Spartan, in an act of compassion, saved and spared their lives, and the Maiden tending to Aegons wounds, and had Visenyas body pulled from the waters of the Neck. We were Seven before we were One. It was only when Blackfyre shattered Prince Jons sword and clove him near in two that the White Dragon fell, but not before he dealt terrible wounds upon the Red Tyrant. Scourge of Gods. Strangely, they never conquered the lands they took, instead liberating them from the Andal yoke and restoring their holdings to their rightful lords and rulers. What was that about? Arya wondered after he was out of earshot. They stripped him of his armor and silks, and dumped his naked body back into the river whilst they carved his dragon to make a feast of its flesh and a fortune of its scales and bones. Her sister was gone. I was excited to start my career and make a name for myself. This is a story of a man named Edward and how he got Trading System and his adventures in the world of Game Of Thrones . Very good use of source material, and a time traveler fish out of trout Sansa. No, the reason I was having trouble sleeping was because when I had touched that damned, fucking dragons egg a complete rout of the Targaryen loyalists, at the cost of less than a hundred and fifty of Robert's troops. It could also serve as the start to a ranger-esque order that could be a great way for Casper to deal with bandits long-term. The first, and arguably his most ambitious project, was the construction of the Realmroad; the vast, expansive network of paved highways criss crossing throughout the realm. The Old Kings commitment to the construction of the Realmroad would greatly benefit the Spartans cause, ensuring that the smallfolk were given food and goods where needed, and that his army was replenished of their necessities. Privacy Policy. Still, I rose from my chair and picked up the child -my son, apparently- and began murmuring sweet nothings as I gently rocked him Chapter - 1 As more and more lords struck their banners and laid down their arms, and as more and more of the realm came to know peace, the Spartans honor and his commitment to protecting those caught in the fires of war made him a hero to the smallfolk, while the causes of both Rhaenyra and Aegon were seen in increasingly negative lights, the devastation caused by the Dance of Dragons doing nothing to endear either to the people. What little energy he had managed for the speech drained out of him and he slumped back in the bed. First came King Daeron I, soon to be remembered as the Young Dragon, who sought to finish his ancestors work of conquering Dorne for House Targaryen. *Currently on writing hiatus. His home was a proper city, the wealthiest, and arguably the most powerful city in all Essos. He goes by many names, Illyrio spoke. Then came Daemon, riding his dragon Caraxys, who blew fire down onto the Spartan. She paused and pursed her lips, I shudder to think of the chaos that may be happening currently at the Twins, if they remember as we do. She stopped and gave Tyrion a very calculating look, You said you had a plan? Take me Home (Dance of Dragons x OC insert), A Crab Has Claws (A House Crabb Succession Game), Maegor the Resenful or Petty (Good Maegor AU), No, It's Just a Coincidence (ASoIaF SI) Redux, A Knight of the Vale (ASOIAF, Daemon and Rhea have a son SI), To Tango With Dragons: An Aegon II SI (ASOIAF/House of the Dragon), Oh no! The Extraordinary Life of Give me your SI's, your industrial revolutions, your - Reddit It was a great expenditure to the whole realm, and took the better part of the Old Kings reign to undertake, but when all was done, Kings Landing was nearly unrecognizable; the stench of human waste had evaporated, and the outbreaks of sickness dramatically fell in frequency. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). It may not display this or other websites correctly. Realizing that only two precious sons remained her, the princes Aegon and Viserys, and that the city was all but lost, Rhaenyra flew her dragon Syrax back to the Red Keep, before fleeing to Dragonstone with the two of them, abandoning the city and all of her supporters therein. E se [ASOIAF/SI AU] Os Negros, os Verdes e os Vermelhos Game of Thrones The North 283 AC, Second Moon High Plains Robert (author -> Robert Baratheon) Instead, in a feat of daring and audacity, he came upon Jasons host in the dead of night, accompanied by but two of his most trusted men, riding in his great battle carriage known as the 'Warthog. Curious, I glance at my reflection.And thats when I almost faint, for the second time this day.Theres the bloody goddammed face of Joffrey fucking Baratheon, staring right back at me. You are using an out of date browser. Following this, the Master Chief immediately took custody of Rhaenyra and Aegons surviving children, two sons and a single daughter, respectively. She breathed in sharply through her nose. Maegor alone survived the Trial, falling into a coma after the last blow was dealt, and woke only just in time to learn that, as it is said in the North, Winter was Coming. So how did this get a YA/Teen romance subplot? If the Wall falls, pull back to the Last Hearth, or Winterfell if you can. A Game of Thrones/Black Rock Shooter Crossover Dany lowered the tip of the sword to the floor and leaned on the handle. As he had been fostered alongside his brother at Winterfell, Viserys knew Cregan well, having arguably learned the best between them in the Starks court, and had likely contributed to his adeptness in his years as Hand of the King. I don't know if it's noticeable but it was bugging me. A few moments ago I was just like any other 24-year-old fresh out of an engineering degree, half of which was done online due to Covid.

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