Harvard student Zachary Rothstein is well acquainted with postoperative nausea. Baross, who had prepared himself for quite another career, and had only become acquainted with the civilized West at the time of the Composition of 1867, mastered, in an incredibly short time, the details of this difficult department. Not only should you spend time comparing the various policies available for your small business, but you should also get acquainted with the various insurance rules and regulations within the state before you settle on a policy. Learn how to use well acquainted in a sentence and make better sentences with `well acquainted` by reading well acquainted sentence examples.. Travel will acquaint us with new customs. How to use Well-acquainted With in a sentence? They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 148+19 sentence examples: 1. I hear you are acquainted with Madame Oliver. There can be no doubt that in the form in which Mani became acquainted with it Christianity had been disengaged and liberated from the womb of Judaism which gave it birth. Acquainted: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE Johanna Spyri. All rights reserved. Acquainted in a sentence up(3) down(5) Sentence count:148+19 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-09-27Updated:2020-07-24. . What does acquainted mean in a sentence? The authors of the Ascension of Isaiah, the Apoc. But the Hebrew ancestry of the Afghans is more worthy at least of consideration, for a respectable number of intelligent officers, well acquainted with the Afghans, have been strong in their belief of it; and though the customs alleged in proof will not bear the stress laid on them, undoubtedly a prevailing type of the Afghan physiognomy has a character strongly Jewish. Ramsay is inclined to attribute to the influence of Athenodorus the striking resemblances which can be established between Seneca and Paul, the latter of whom must certainly have been acquainted with his teachings. Sir Alfred Milner reached the Cape in May 1897, and after the difficulties with President Kruger over the Aliens' Law had been patched up he was free by August to make himself personally acquainted with the country and peoples before deciding on the lines of policy to be adopted. (13) A diary is one way to get acquainted with yourself. : I will acquaint you, as you desire, with . We are/became acquainted. During his residence abroad he became acquainted with Budaeus (Guillaume Bude) and Erasmus, and with the teaching of Savonarola. Soon after the show's debut, message boards lit up with comments from those acquainted with the family who called into the question the family relationships as depicted on the show. His words and attitude always suppose a better state of things than other men are acquainted with, and he will be the last man to be disappointed as the ages revolve. After the middle of the 4th century it was regarded as essential that the candidate for baptism should not only be acquainted with the spiritual truths and ethical demands which form the basis of practical Christianity, but should also be trained in theology and the interpretation of the creeds. He was well acquainted with the literature of France(Sentencedict.com), Germany and Holland. In 1797 he published a translation of Young's Night Thoughts, which does not of itself show that he was well acquainted with English, for the version may have been made with the help of the French. When once the system was in operation it was found that a deacon, by spending an hour a week among the families committed to his charge, could keep himself acquainted with their character and condition. Sladek was, with his excellent translations, one of the first to make Czech readers acquainted with the riches of English literature (especially Shakespeare). They were acquainted with iron, and learned from their subjects the art of bronze-casting, which they used for decorative purposes only, and to which they gave a still higher artistic stamp. How late the Chronicler wrote cannot perhaps be determined; but it is, at all events, impossible to prove that the author of Ecclesiasticus was acquainted with his work. So clear is the evidence on this point that any one adequately acquainted at first hand with the phenomena, by employing an albino of known gametic structure and mating it with a coloured individual, also of known gametic constitution, could predict the result. [=have you met before?] Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates? It can also refer to having a personal relationship with someone, whether as a friend, colleague, or acquaintance. Acquainted in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb) The constituencies, imperfectly acquainted with the technical issues involved in the dispute, rallied to the minister, who was upholding British interests. volume_up more_vert. On the other hand, while phonetically the above explanation was not inconsistent with such cases as rka dkah, bkah, bska, and nga, rnga, ngag, sngags, lnga, ngad and brtse, brdzun, dbyar, &c., where the italicized letters are pronounced in full and the others are left aside, it failed to explain other cases, such as dgra, mgron, spyod, snyan, sbrang, sbrul, bkra, k'ri, krad, k'rims, k'rus, &c., pronounced da, don, cod, or swod, cen, Bang, deu, ta, t'i, tad or teh, tim, tu, &c., and many others, where the spoken forms are obviously the alteration by wear and tear of sounds originally similar to the written forms. He was acquainted moreover with Latin grammar, under the influence of which he resorted to the innovation of dividing the Hebrew vowels into five long vowels and five short, previous grammarians having simply spoken of seven vowels without distinction of quantity. Wii Play, in case you didn't know, is very similar in nature to the hugely popular Wii Sports in that it contains a wide range of games that help you get acquainted with the Nintendo Wii's unique controller. He was well-acquainted with a long history of underwater accidents, attempted rescues and failed escapes. [=do you know the facts?] volume_up more_vert. (11) We should get acquainted with our parents earlier. He entered his wife's drawing room as one enters a theater, was acquainted with everybody, equally pleased to see everyone, and equally indifferent to them all. A wish to become intimately acquainted with a state of society so utterly unlike all that he had ever seen frequently crossed his mind. He acquainted me with the news. As an itinerant auctioneer he became well acquainted with the Germans in the S.E. Intimately acquainted with the conditions of his native island, Crispi adopted efficacious remedies. By persistent trapping and shooting, its numbers have now been considerably reduced, with the result, however, of making it exceedingly wary, so that it is not readily caught in any trap with which it has had an opportunity of becoming acquainted. Huygens, in a letter dated the 8th of June 1694, wrote to Leibnitz, " I do not know if you are acquainted with the accident which has happened to the good Mr Newton, namely, that he has had an attack of phrenitis, which lasted eighteen months, and of which they say his friends have cured him by means of remedies, and keeping him shut up.". Wellington was by no means so well acquainted with the details of the Prussian defeat at Ligny as he ought to have been. From Rhijnsburg he had paid frequent visits to the Hague, and it was probably the desire Boyle, and acquainted with most of the leaders of science in England as well as with many on the Continent. 9. The verb " to be acquainted with " means to have knowledge or experience of something or someone. She was to a considerable extent selftaught; and her love of reading made her acquainted first with Plutarch - a passion for which author she continued to cherish throughout her life - thereafter with Bossuet, Massillon, and authors of a like stamp, and finally with Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau. In 1654 he again went to the Hague, and there became closely acquainted with De Witt. How to use acquaint in a sentence. Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store. (15) We should get acquainted with our parents earlier. Skip another round of preparations and seminars; you are well acquainted with both parties' personalities and behavioral patterns. After introductions we gathered around the oak table to get acquainted as more beer and wine flowed. Jeffrey's wife had died in 1805, and in 1810 he became acquainted with Charlotte, daughter of Charles Wilkes of New York, and great-niece of John Wilkes. At Nuremberg he became acquainted with Osiander, whose somewhat isolated theological position he probably found to be in many points analogous to his own. He studied at the Lycee Charlemagne, in 1850 became a teacher in New Orleans, Louisiana, and there became acquainted with John Lloyd Stephens's books of travel in Yucatan. They were well acquainted with both and knew their history. Having a happy knack of estimating character, especially when acquainted with the histories of the persons in question, the good pastor contrived to write a graphic and readable book, but one much inferior to Porta's or Aristotle's as a systematic treatise. Their development as a maritime people, engaged in small trading and intimately acquainted with their home waters, led Belisarius to seek their help in his task of recovering Italy from the Goths. While shopping at high-end retailers like Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, Barney's and Neiman Marcus is an outstanding way to get acquainted with glamorous styles from the world's biggest designers, for many it's just not a sensible option. In 1398 he was chosen by the Bohemian "nation" of the university to an examinership for the bachelor's degree; in the same year he began to lecture also, and there is reason to believe that the philosophical writings of Wycliffe, with which he had been for some years acquainted, were his text-books. The meaning of GET BETTER ACQUAINTED is to get to know each other better. He acquainted me with the change of the plan. 1 : having personal knowledge of something: having seen or experienced something + with a lawyer who is well acquainted with the facts in this caseI'm not acquainted with her books. Entirely safe from the usual turbulent movements of Scottish opposition, and but ill acquainted with Scottish opinion, he could dictate measures which were oppressive to the preachers and unwelcome to the majority of the laity. Sentence examples for well-acquainted from high-quality English sources. Sunset orange compare tv hair-dryer safe-deposit quickly got acquainted. In 1691 he became acquainted with William Fuller, whom he induced to forge another plot, though not with the success he had himself attained. ; One becomes well acquainted with the main characters in the story. He got well acquainted with the history of . This accounts for the fact that the Greeks were not acquainted with the city until it was taken and plundered by Alexander the Great. It has been said that the copy of the Pandects then taken by the Pisans from Amalfi was the first known to them, but in fact they were already acquainted with those laws. I am (well) acquainted with his books. Grenfell and Hunt conclude therefore - " So great indeed are the divergences between this account and the extant and no doubt well-informed authorities with regard to the topography and ritual of the Temple that it is hardly possible to avoid the conclusion that much of the local colour is due to the imagination of the author who was aiming chiefly at dramatic effect and was not really well acquainted with the Temple. In Egypt, if not even before leaving Italy, he had become intimately acquainted with Melania, a wealthy and devout Roman widow; and when she removed to Palestine, taking with her a number of clergy and monks on whom the persecutions of the Arian Valens had borne heavily, Rufinus (about 378) followed her. Apparently there is here some gap in the line of descent of the horse, and may be suggested that the evolution took place, not as commonly supposed, in North America, but in eastern central Asia, of which the palaeontology is practically unknown; some support is given to this theory by the fact that the earliest species with which we are acquainted occur in northern India. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, having a good knowledge or understanding of someone or something, Breaking Bad Finale: Lost Interviews With Bryan Cranston & Vince Gilligan, Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia] [Volume 2 of 2], Fifty Years of Railway Life in England, Scotland and Ireland. Top searched words; Random words; Well-acquainted in a sentence The word "well-acquainted" in a example sentences. The Malays, also, would seem to have been acquainted with the northern coast; while Marco Polo, who visited the East at the close of the 13th century, makes reference to the reputed existence of a great southern continent. We are acquainted with a mere pellicle of the globe on which we live. Its what plays when the clock hits midnight on New Years Eve. She expects to be kept informed of what passes between him and the foreign ministers, before important decisions are taken, based upon that intercourse; to receive the foreign despatches in good time, and to have the drafts for her approval sent her in sufficient time to make herself acquainted with their contents before they must be sent off. I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically. From the earliest age young Niebuhr manifested extraordinary precocity, and from 1794 to 1796, being already a finished classical scholar and acquainted with several modern languages, he studied at the university of Kiel. . Review 6 sentence examples with Well-acquainted With to better understand the usage of Well-acquainted With in context. Examples from Collins dictionaries. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE COMMON GRAMMAR DEBATES? Get acquainted with hot rollers and large barrel curling irons. This may be taken to indicate that when first the Malays became acquainted with the fruits which are indigenous in Malayan lands they already possessed a language in which most primary words were represented, and also that their tongue had attained to a stage of development which provided for the formation of compound words by a system sanctioned by custom and the same linguistic instinct which causes a Malay to-day to form similar compounds from European and other foreign roots. Nevertheless, with the scientific and critical literature of the years1850-1890he was barely acquainted, and he knew no German.

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